

Alberto Riehl: All right guys, I’m here, Alberto Riehl. I’m here with one of our clients and students and becoming a good friend, Adrian. And Adrian … This wasn’t rehearsed, right? But, Adrian, do you mid sharing with us maybe, you know, what your favorite thing about the program is, maybe any results that you’ve gotten so far and … Yeah, whatever you feel your comfortable with.
Adrian: Thanks Alberto, appreciate you having me here. I love the program. Obviously with all the stuff that’s out there on the internet and stuff that shows up in your newsfeed, I mean there’s a healthy amount of skepticism with anything. I just really appreciate that from the beginning everyone has been really up front and has been very direct.
The coaching calls and everything have really helped out, and just by following what you teach and getting the responses the way you teach them and following the appointments the way you teach to, I’m shocked at how fast I’m sitting down with people and I’m literally taking an app with personal information within 25 minutes of meeting these people a lot of times.
The biggest thing I’ve had to fight is my own subconscious thinking do I ask them if they want to do it now or … What we’re used to from doing appointments is you’re used to that resistance, and there’s very little resistance. It just naturally moves people through it and it almost feels like … I know I left you a message the other day, it almost feels like it shouldn’t work this easily, and that’s really just a testament to what most of us are used to doing in this business and what you teach us to do.
I just … I’m really grateful man. I think it’s fantastic. I don’t have my stats in front of me right now. I’ve had eight … I think I’ve booked 10 appointments. I’ve had two or three that canceled or rescheduled. I’ve got in front of eight people, so I’ve actually sat down where I got to talk.
One guy was really rude. The other seven I got apps from from my first appointment, and off the top of my head I think it’s about … You know, assuming everything goes through with medical stuff, which I think I may have a couple hiccups, but I’ve got about 40,000 in premiums so far. It’s pretty amazing.
Alberto Riehl: Wow. I didn’t know that. That’s awesome, 40,000 on seven appointments, and all done in less than an hour. That’s pretty cool man. Congrats.
Adrian: It’s been awesome. I had one appointment that did take about an hour and a half because the lady told me her life story for 47 minutes and I just … She had a clock behind her. I just kind of watched it thinking about when do I need to interrupt her so I can get to my next appointment.
I love it man. I genuinely like people. It’s fun to hear some of their stories and kind of see their excitement about the education that we give them. Yeah. I’m onboard, man. I love the program and I appreciate you and what you’re teaching.
Alberto Riehl: Awesome buddy. Thank you for that testimonial. You do all the work, right? What’s one thing about you is that you’ve been such a great student. You’re on the calls every week asking about direction. You’re out there doing it. You’re getting dirty, and you don’t waste anytime, you know. You did it, so it’s an amazing story, and glad to have you as part of our community, and congrats again, man. You did all the work, you know, so that’s awesome, awesome.
Adrian: Thanks Alberto. I really appreciate it.
Alberto Riehl: Cool buddy. All right man, so basically anything you want-



Hey guys, Alberto. I’m here with Humbert, one of our members. Actually, been with us for a
while now, huh?
A year.
Couple years? Yeah, you went to our last event. In the last couple days, we did something
crazy, something that has never been done before. There’s people out there taking eight weeks
to go automated, build funnels, set up automation, custom track … Everything. Some people are
doing it in 30 days. We decided to do it in two days, and then spend the third day out here on
this beautiful 80 foot yacht, and it was pretty cool to go late until last night, making sure
everybody was up and going, and then early this morning, already, people were getting leads
coming back. People were going to their pages, and people were even getting appointments
already scheduled 100% automated.
Humbert, what do you think about the whole thing that we did over the last two days?
I think it was awesome. We worked hard, so now we’re playing hard. It was worth every minute
of it. I was really intimidated at first, I’m not a real techy guy, so to do level two in a couple of
days was a pretty daunting task, but we were up to the challenge, and with Alberto’s wonderful
staff, we were able to do it. This morning, I woke up, already had four leads land on my page.
Awesome, man. Awesome.
Yeah, congrats on that. Self-generated, guys. Four leads in the first few hours. Imagine never
having to buy another lead again, never have to bug friends and family again, and if you’re
intimidated like most people, scared of technology, say, “I’m not a techie,” you just need the right
people. The right people, two days, and we’ll get everything done.
Thanks, man.
All right.
We’ll see you on the next call.
Thank you



Hey guys Alberto Riehl here and I’m here with Bill, one of our clients, one of our members withPredictable Premium. We spent the last two days together going live, getting 100% automatedfor all our agents that came here on this awesome trip that nobody ever done before. Somethingthat people are taking 30 days to do, is the fastest I’ve seen, we did it in two days. We definitelyran into some challenges, but at the end of the day we pushed through, I think we went to threein the morning, something like that. It was pretty cool. But Bill, what was your experience orwhat was your favorite thing about the last couple of days we spent together?
I think my favorite thing would just spend the new software that was introduced. Really easy touse, a lot better than unbalanced and few of the other things that we used in the past. Verygood.
Awesome man. Awesome. Appreciate it. And what do you think about the way that we designedit as far as putting it up on the screen, having staff members come around. When everybody gotstuck and asking questions, could just kind of hold your hand through the process. Was thathelpful?
Yes, it definitely was helpful. Everybody was a very helpful, Israel really knows what he’s doingand kudos to him especially.
Yeah. You consider yourself a techie guy.
Ah, not really.
Yeah. So you’re able to get it done, Huh?
Yeah. Yup. For sure. For sure.
Good deal, man. Anything else? Maybe your favorite thing? I don’t know? Yesterday going live,pushing through doing it all together
Yeah, that you know that was a very long day. Haven’t pulled a 16 hour day in quite a long time.
So that was probably the most challenging, but I’m glad it’s done and it works.
Yeah. Awesome man. Yeah, we took everybody live. Great success. Took a little perseverancethere at the end, but got it done, man. I appreciate it. Thanks for your time. We’ll see you on thenext call.
Yes, thank you.



Hey guys, Alberto. I’m here with one of our members Rafael in the Caribbean. We’ve spent thelast two days in the Presidential Suite at the Grand Hyatt. We did something we’ve never donebefore. We took a bunch of agents and advisors with absolutely no online presence, and wepromised them that in two days, we would take them 100% virtual and 100% automated. Therewas a lot of stuff that we could not think about as far as problems coming up that we just had todeal with right in the moment, but at the end of the day, we pushed through, made it happen.
Stayed up until what 3:00 in the morning last night?
3:00 in the morning.
Making it happen. And Rafael, what was your experience in the last two days?
My experience is it looks difficult to get it done, but when you have the right coaching and thepeople that know how to do it, they make it very easy. You still have to apply yourself. This is mysecond Predictable Premium, and I would advise everybody to come back to the third one, thefourth one, and the fifth one if it’s needed.
Awesome, man, awesome. Well, I appreciate your kind words.
Thank you for the support, and the help, and especially the inside knowledge, the edge. That’swhat I was looking for an edge.
Absolutely, man. Yeah, a lot of people are afraid of technology. They’re intimidated. But whenyou have somebody that’s doing it every day spending over 100,000 a month on Facebookadvertising walking you through, makes it a little bit easier, huh?
Absolutely. Yes, I was living proof of that. We find the big hiccups. I mean nobody knew how tofigure it out, but we came through.
Yeah, got it figured out. 3:00 in the morning launch got live.
Two hours later. Yeah.
Yep, and just this morning people, agents are already getting leads. People are already bookingappointments, so everything is going great. We’ll see you guys on the next call. Thanks, Rafael.
Thank you. Thank you all



Hey guys, it’s Alberto Riehl here, and I’m with Michael, one of our members. Michael was withus the last two days as we took a bunch of agents and insurance advisors with no internetpresence, we took them through our process and in two days they became 100% automated,went 100% virtual. We started getting results right away this morning with leads beinggenerated, appointments being booked, and Michael, what’s your experience over the lastcouple of days?
Well, the experience is a couple of things. One, it’s something that I had no interest inwhatsoever, but you’re scared of it because it’s way more complicated than it actually looks, andwhen people take the time to invest in you and walk you through it, that’s the most valuablething. Good people, just the time that I got to spend together, which was a lot of time in a smallroom, that space together, but it was tons of fun. Worked every minute of it, and actually todaywas a great day to hang out here in a beautiful place and spend the day doing some fun stuff,but really the value came from the passion that Alberto puts out, and he pours into his people.
He believes in everything he says, he tries, and tries, and tries to perfect it before he rolls it out,so what we get is an end product that’s already been tried, true, and tested, and I’m reallylooking forward to when my plane lands back home to be set up.
Yeah, awesome, man. It’s nice when you have some staff members who are experts holdingyour hand through the process, right? Asking questions. For a lot of people they take it on theirown, try to do it on their own. “I’m going to save some money, I can maybe Google this stuffonline.” And they go for a little bit and then end up giving up and not doing anything. So, if youhave ever thought about something like this, all you need is two days with the right people,right?
Gets you up and going. Thanks man, we’ll see you on the next call.
Thank you



Hey, guys. Alberto Riehl here and I’m here with Scott. Scott came to our two-day where we takeagents that have no internet presence, take them online, 100% automated. And we’re justgetting back. We all went on this awesome 80-foot yacht. You can hear people in thebackground here.
We’re about to head out, we’re a little tired from the rest of the day. This is all agents right here.
But anyway, one of the cool things about Scott, is Scott is the guy that came here, flew from thefurthest place. All the way from New Zealand. How long did it take you to get here?
Total traveling time was about 30 hours.
30 hours. Was it worth it?
Awesome, awesome. So tell us about what you experienced the last couple days with us.
Well, it’s just been run like clock work, I think, which is one of the things that impressed the mostout of me. Also, the staff and the whole team have just been unbelievably good. Really, reallyslick operation. I got to say, congratulations for that.
Thank you.
But in particular, the team. They all were really well skilled in everything that they were doing.
Really supportive and they seemed to have the patience of a saint.
Yeah. Are you saying you’re not a techy guy?
I’m pretty much not a techy guy in the slightest.
Awesome, man. So you think you could have done it without them kind of holding your handthrough the process?
Oh my God. No. I got to say, my assumption of taking the business online and building funnelswas so different.
This was such a complicated process and how anybody worked it out in the first place I have noidea.
But, man, the operation was slick. Really good.
Yeah. Awesome, bud. Well, I appreciate it. Glad you made it all the way from New Zealand.
Me too.
Got you going live, and getting results already. We just had another member that just bookedanother appointment, got a couple more leads. And so, Scott, thanks again, man. We’ll see youon the next call.
Sweet. You will



Hey, guys. Alberto. I’m sitting here with Carl Elkins, one of the members of our group. Carljoined us just a couple of days ago. And the last two days we were able to take everybody 100%virtual and automated. Carl, what did you think of the last two days man?
Man, it was unbelievable experience. We just got out here to Mexico and really settled in. Honein on my business. And, I couldn’t believe we actually got it done. I know absolutely nothingabout running Facebook ads or, just getting my business online. But you guys did a great job.
Yeah. Absolutely guys. It’s kinda hard to do it out there on your own. We had ups and downs.
And we had walls that we hit last night. We have a full-time IT guy, we have myself, that havebeen doing it successfully for quite sometime. But, you never know what’s going to come up.
So, I’m sure you are out there, you’ve tried a few things, you’ve given up on yourself. Just twodays is all you need with the right support, the right people. We’ll make it happen. Right?
Yeah. Absolutely man. I’m telling you. I would not recommend anything else. If you are an agentout there, trying to get your business off the ground, running, and you want clients on demand.
Gotta hit up my man Alberto.
Awesome buddy. Appreciate you. And we’ll see you on the next call.
Yes sir.



Hey, guys. Alberto. I’m here with Robert. Robert is one of our predictable premium clients. It’sthe last day, we’re at the eighty foot yacht that we got for everybody. Rob, just wanted to askman, what’s been your favorite thing in the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours?
All the knowledge, the knowledge that we’ve been learning is just priceless knowledge. It’s a lot,literally my brain felt like it was going to explode, it’s so much man. They helped, they’ve for us,they’ve been fantastic. Walking us through every step, guiding us through every step, I mean,just incredible.
Awesome, man. Did you do anything? Did you have your ads going, and tracking, and adsmanager?
Yeah, no. Speaking about it like that, no, I had no clue the amount work honestly that I wasinvolved in. And it is a lot of work but now that it’s all been automated. I mean, it’s just going tobe easy to tweak or touch up and all that other good stuff, so. But yeah, I mean it’s just been anamazing … amazing place, amazing location, amazing people. The company has beenawesome been fantastic so I mean, very blessed to be here. And thank you for the invitation.
Awesome, buddy. Well great to have you, and we’ll see you on the nextAll right, thank you



Hey guys, Alberto Riehl here and I’m here with Josh. Josh has been hanging out with us for thelast couple of days here. Just getting back from our yacht. We’ve been out there all day long.
We took a bunch of agents and advisors that we’re not doing any business online and in twodays, we went from scratch. I mean some people had to get emails for the first time, buydomains, I mean everything and just a few hours after going live, we’re already collecting leads,getting appointments. We just had another report. Another gentleman just pulled Luke just gotanother fully automated appointment. But Josh, what’s your favorite thing man about the lastcouple of days?
For me it was the seeing everyone from all around the world, all around the country cometogether and being part of Alberto’s team. He’s very generous, they’re very kind, very patient. Soyeah, I suggest you guys try it out. Predictable premium baby.
Yeah, people keep saying about the team being patient, kind of holding your hand through thewhole process. Huh? Step by step. You think you could’ve done it without them?
No way? No way.
Yeah. Awesome man. Awesome. Awesome. You think, are you a techy?
Not really. No. I know enough just to get by, but I wouldn’t consider myself asA little intimidated, like most agents probably.
Well, I appreciate the kind words. Thank you for your time. I’m glad you came and we’ll see onthe call side.
All right.



Hey, guys. Alberto here, and I’m here with one of our members. This is Lloyd, predictablepremium, and we just finished two days of bringing everybody online. And man, I’m so proud ofLloyd here. Flew in, he is 74 years young. Most people might be intimidated by technology, butwith our staff members here, very knowledgeable, they were able to help Lloyd every step of theway.
And tell me, Lloyd, how that worked out for you.
Well, it was really hard for me. I’ve been on computers for a long time, but still there’s just somuch to learn. Especially, it just keeps advancing and advancing and advancing, and thenumber of websites that we have to navigate through was incredible. And the system that atAlberto’s doing right now, been getting us on Facebook and bringing it was a lot of steps to it.
And it was so helpful for the staff to help me do it.
Kevin, as you know, andVisarThey were with you, just helping you every step of the way, holding yourThey took turns to make sure that I got up to speed.
Make sure you kept up, huh?
Yeah, and got my ads postedAwesome.
And we did it perfect.
Yep, got everything approved, got results coming in. Awesome, buddy.
We even … we got our domain name and registered for our domainEverything from scratch, guysFrom total zero.
Yeah, we started from zero, and today he is live two days later. Getting results, getting leadscoming in. So, if you have any excuses, “I’m too young, too old, I’m not a techy guy,” man,here’s some more proof that anybody can do it when you have an expert just helping you,holding your hand through the process.
Thanks, Lloyd, and we’ll see you on the next call.
I’m going to be at the next Premium Live.