How Are You Spending Your Most Valuable Commodity?

One and a quarter of you will put into action on Monday? Fiver percent? What’s five percent? Yeah, that means like one and a quarter of you … If I can do what Anthony Robbins does, one and a quarter of you will put into action on Monday. The rest will just go about their day, doing what they’ve been doing up until this point.

I learned this just over a year ago. I haven’t shared it with anybody. I filmed myself going over it a couple weeks ago, but I’m going to hold onto that video for a while. Nobody has seen that video.

So we talked about yesterday about how we have a certain amount of time throughout the day. Okay? Figure out what your time is for the day. How much time do you spend working per day? You should know what that is. Right? There’s no right or wrong answer.

I shared with you guys my goal this year, please everybody turn off their phones. Thanks for the reminder. Turn off your phones. My goal this year was to work five hours a day. There’s no right answer. Maybe yours is eight, maybe yours is 16 hours a day. Write down, right now, how many hours a day you’re doing.

Now, whatever you wrote down, again there’s no right or wrong answer, so don’t worry about that. That’s your 100 units. Okay? That’s your 100 units. That’s 100 units of time, but it’s also 100 units of energy. That’s very important. We got into a little bit yesterday, guys like Steve Jobs understand the fact that we only have a certain amount of units of energy per day.

I don’t know if you’ve read about this but, the first four hours that you’re awake, is the best time to use those units. That’s when you’re brain works the best. Most people are wasting their first four hours awake. They’re checking social media, they’re checking emails. I mean you can pay somebody $2 an hour to check emails. Why are you doing $2 an hour work?

They’re checking out negative information, newspapers, whatever it is. They’re driving an hour to work. Get there, a little socializing, maybe a little coffee, maybe by the time they’re like, “Okay, I’m going to start working,” for a lot of people, those four hours are gone. That’s the best time. Your very best thinking happens in the first four hours of work, first four hours of the day, excuse me.

Yesterday if you would have seen on the treadmill, I had my notes on the treadmill. It kept falling and I dropped my pen, people are looking at me. Today I did not take my notes. I had my phone and I put notes on my phone, but I even, when I’m on the treadmill, I’m hand writing on the treadmill like this because that’s how I get the most effect. That’s where most of my ideas come from in the morning. I have a ritual and we’ll talk about that another time.

So, we have 100 units of time for the day. For some of you, that might be eight hours, for some of you that might be 16 hours. Now, what you want to do next is figure out where are your units going? Most people have never done this. Where are your units going? I’ll share with you what the average agent does.

They’re spending 20 of their units on administration stuff. That is, again, emails, following up with policies, on the phone with underwriters, how come this hasn’t been issued, maybe asking for medical records, maybe doing para meds, maybe ordering para meds, administrative stuff.

Sixty percent, or 60 of their units, and again these are both time and energy, is spent prospecting. Right? We talk to you guys all the time. First thought in the morning, last thought is, “Who the hell am I going to talk to today? Who am I going to talk to? Who am I going to see? Maybe do some personal observation. Who can I talk to? Friends? Family? Where’s the next deal going to come from?” That’s the average agent.

It’s good to write these down. Yours might be a little different and we’ll give you an opportunity to do your own in a second.

Do we have any sales people in here? Raise your hand if you’re a sales guy. So, the average sales person, this is sales people, all industries, including insurance, spend only 20 of their units per day, 20 units of their time and their energy selling. They’re sales people but they’re spending 20% of their time selling. So, take a second. You should be able to do this pretty quick. It might be a little bit of a challenge.

Here’s a little exercise to do on Monday and Tuesday when you get back. Journal where your time is going. I have, I mentioned to you guys on the call, about a stopwatch. All my watches have a stopwatch on them. I’m like a time geek. I’m always timing stuff. How long does this take? How long does that take? I’m on the phone. How long did that take?

Find out how many units are going to driving? How many units are going to eating? How many units are on Facebook, not working, just seeing what people are eating that day or whatever.

Yeah, whatever it is, right? You’ll be surprised. I’m still surprised. I’m pretty consciously aware of where I’ve dedicated my units and still when I journal detailed, I’m like, “Damn, I’m wasting so much time. I’m wasting so much time still.” Take a second to write out … Here’s 100 units. Write out what yours looks like. Maybe yours looks a little different. Maybe it’s completely different.

Pay Yourself First With Time?

Alberto Riehl: Hey, guys. Alberto Riehl. I’m here with Miss Sarah, and we are actually at a couple’s retreat for the weekend. I gotta show you something. It’s pretty cool.

Alberto Riehl: So she surprised me with this place. Very remote. We have about 150 acres by ourselves. We’re in Northern California. Look. We’ve got bees. See those? Those are bees right there.

Alberto Riehl: We gotta get out of the car. We’ve got a nice little Volkswagen. You gotta unlock this thing.

Alberto Riehl: We always talk about … in our program, about pay yourself first with money. Right? It’s one of the principles. If you haven’t read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, definitely a huge recommendation. Get it. That’s all you need to know to become financially independent.

Alberto Riehl: One of the principles they talk about is pay yourself first. Right? While most people out there pay all their bills … They get paid, and then they pay all their bills and utilities and everything that they need to pay, rent, mortgages. Then, at the end, their crumbs they leave for themselves. Right? Most of the time, they have nothing left over for them to do.

Alberto Riehl: So another concept is pay yourself first with time. So what does that mean, exactly? Well, most people do the same thing as they do with their finances. They are dividing their time up 100 different ways throughout the day, going to work and driving and rush hour traffic and – I gotta close the gate now – rush hour traffic and doing all the other stuff that they have to do. I got it.

Alberto Riehl: Then whatever crumbs they have left over of time they dedicate to themselves, they dedicate to their marriage. Right? To their partnership. That’s not the way it should be. You should pay yourself first with time, in time, first.

Alberto Riehl: We’re doing a couple’s retreat for the weekend. Thank you, Mom. Thank you, sister. Couldn’t have done it without you. They’re taking care of the baby, baby Riley. We have also a five-year-old and a seven-year-old. Gotta close this. Uh-oh. That’s gonna be tough to do as I hold this. Gotta make sure we’re secure here. Hold on a second.

Alberto Riehl: All right. So we have it nice and locked now. See? There’s the bees on the other side, and here is the road to our place. You have to drive – I think it’s about 10 minutes – to get in there. I’ll have Sarah help me a little bit. Here, could you point it at the road there?

Alberto Riehl: Actually, if you can point it at me, look kind of far. You can see me okay?

Alberto Riehl: So this place, Sarah found, and I think we’re driving … I think it’s – what, almost a 10-minute drive? – into the middle of nowhere. Super private. We’re the only people onsite.

Alberto Riehl: So we’re talking about paying yourself first with time, not only money. While most people do everything, again, running around to work and back and rush hour and all that stuff, and then whatever crumbs of time they have left over, they dedicate to their most important relationship, which is their marriage or their partner, whatever they wanna call it.

Alberto Riehl: In reality, we should pay ourselves first with time and set the time apart first. This is a good example. We’re spending the entire weekend up here in Nevada City, which is in California, by the way. Just found out about that. Very old city. It’s an old mining town. Been around for – what? – about 150 years, since the mid-1840s, something like that.

Alberto Riehl: We get to spend all weekend together. We’re learning a bunch of different – what do we call them? – practices for communication, for … What else, honey? Couples type stuff, to make connection stronger, communication better. Ooh, look, this is starting to get a little rough here.

Sarah Riehl: I was watching this. It’s gonna get a little …

Alberto Riehl: Is it bumpy?

Sarah Riehl: A little further.

Alberto Riehl: But, man, so many people out there work so hard, dedicate their time to a career, climbing up the corporate ladder, and then they take their eye off the ball. They take their eye off the real important stuff, the stuff that really matters. Right? The family, the marriage.

Alberto Riehl: Of course, today, over 50% of marriages end up in divorce. Then you gotta get expensive attorneys and split everything up, and everything you worked for is gone, anyway.

Alberto Riehl: So we’ll show you here in a second as we … This is starting to get kind of rough. Good thing we got an SUV. We’re gonna be going to our little private … What do we call it, honey? Love nest?

Sarah Riehl: Like the Blair Witch Project.

Alberto Riehl: I’m gonna go ahead and stop.

Sarah Riehl: Okay.

Alberto Riehl: All right, guys. So we’re still going. Still going. Been going for a few minutes here. We’re going deep into the forest. What is this? Pretty cool. Sarah found this on Airbnb. Amazing what the Internet can do for you nowadays.

Alberto Riehl: We’re still going. Still going. The middle of nowhere. Going to our romantic spot. Okay.

Alberto Riehl: Yes? Okay. So, guys, we’re almost there. Now, this is the first time that this car was rented. They gave it to us. It’s a Volkswagen Atlas. It’s a pretty cool SUV, actually. First time that Budget rents it out. It had, like, six miles on it. We’ve been taking it rough roading, so everything will be cool. Don’t tell Budget.

Alberto Riehl: This is the first time we do anything like this. We’re gonna show you … Now, this road’s a little tricky at the end. Actually, the first two times, we got stuck in the middle of it. We couldn’t make it. So I’m gonna put it into first. We gotta get some speed here. Here we go. Here we go.

Alberto Riehl: Gets the adrenaline pumping every time. Whoa, I’m getting better at this. Look. Oh, we made it. We made it. Look at the view. Can you see the view? Gotta get it out of that gear. Look at our little perch. You can see our nice, beautiful glamping tent to the right. We’ll show you inside in a second.

Alberto Riehl: Look at our … This is our favorite part. To the right, we have our own private waterfall and swimming hole. Nobody around for 150 acres, guys. We’re the only ones here. Check out the view. It’s sunset time. We’ve got our fire about to happen over here. We’ll go for a little swim in a little bit.

Alberto Riehl: So, guys, Alberto, Sarah, coming to you from the middle of nowhere, Nevada City. We’ll see you on the next one.

Alberto Riehl: Pretty cool place, right? So we’ve never done anything like this. It’s called mobile glamping. They set it up in a private … We asked for a private, secluded area, and here it is. We’ve got a couple chairs for the beautiful view. You can hear the … We’ve got a grill right there. There’s the waterfall, right behind us. It’s just a really cool place. I’m gonna show you our fire over here.

Alberto Riehl: Sun’s about to set, and there’s the waterfall. So it’s pretty cool. So I’m wondering, when was the last time that you did something like this? There’s our waterfall. Nice little swimming hole. Let’s see if you can see the sunset, starting to shine through now. Ooh, it’s bright. There’s our fire. Just started the fire.

Alberto Riehl: One of the things that’s cool is that we had to get on a plane to come over here. We had to, obviously, get this place. We had to drive an hour and a half from Sacramento. You fly to Sacramento, then you come up here.

Alberto Riehl: But there’s something that happens when you make that extra effort to do something in your life. There’s a book, another book, I recommend, Deep Work, and they talk about when you really wanna get something done and get value out of something. They show it as an example, J.K. Rowling, when she wrote Harry Potter, she would go to the most expensive place in London, hotel, and stay in there ’til she wrote it.

Alberto Riehl: Just the effort of you doing that lets you know, lets your subconscious know, that you’re serious about it. So, because of it, it just gives it a lot more weight and a lot more importance.

Alberto Riehl: So it’s something that’s very important now. Things can be a little bit challenging sometimes. There’s a bunch of kids and a bunch of stuff to do, and maybe you can’t take off an entire weekend. Maybe … Just maybe drive somewhere. Drive somewhere for the night. Start out with maybe just a couple hours or maybe …

Alberto Riehl: A date night for a lot of us is kind of a big deal, but it’s gonna pay dividends, just like all the other philosophies we talk about when it comes to finances. Pay yourself first with time will pay huge dividends in the long run, and we all know when things are solid at home that it’s a lot easier to work and be in the positive mindset, which is what we need to perform out there.

Alberto Riehl: So, guys, Alberto Riehl, and we’ve got Sarah over here. She’s taking some pictures as we are getting ready for our sunset, calling you … or talking to you from the middle of nowhere in Northern California, and we’ll see you on the next video.

Alberto Riehl: Remember, pay yourself first with time.

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

Hey guys, Alberto Riehl here, Riehl’s Rants, and I am gyrating this morning. Is that a word? I’m in Cuba. This has been on my bucket list for quite a while. Right behind me, we have the very historic and world-famous Hotel Nacional de Cuba, Hotel National of Cuba, probably the most famous hotel in all Havana, if not Latin America. Pretty cool, built in the 1930s.

We’re right on the bay here. You can see here’s the ocean right behind us. You’ve got Havana, there’s Havana, which we’ll be going there in a second. The lighting’s a little off. It’s early in the morning. Let’s go ahead and go inside the hotel.

What I’m doing is I’m calling this … I’m going to be going over something called We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know. I haven’t talked about this principle in quite a while. It’s something that’s very, very important. I was reminded of it on this trip.

The Hotel Nacional, it’s a five-star. When I made my reservations, I had to do it through an agency in Mexico. Things are a little bit complicated, I guess. I made sure to ask, “Hey give me the very best hotel.” So I had an agent. What does this have to do with insurance agents? Watch this, watch. I’m going to connect it all here at the end. This is very, very important.

I had an agent say, “I’m going to put you at the very best hotel for you and Sarah.” It’s just the two of us. We’re at the grounds. You can see it’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. Built in 1930 again, five-star hotel. She says, “I’m going to put you at the National, that’s where presidents have stayed. There’s just a lot of history there. It’s beautiful. It’s a five-star resort.” Here’s a little fountain here on the grounds as we start heading in.

We were actually here yesterday listening to some live music, see if you can see it, right here. There’s live music playing. We were sipping our little … Had a Cuban sandwich. Had to have a Cuban sandwich, right? Sarah was having a mojito, of course. So we’re about to go into the lobby here. You see here.

I want you to look at the ceilings. It’s a little bit darker, take our sunglasses off now. Look at this place. Pretty beautiful, huh? Look at the ceiling. Built, again, in 1930. Look at the sign right here, Hotel de Cuba, five stars. You can see that. Five-star hotel. I’m pointing that out for a reason. I’m not trying to brag here because I ended up being a little disappointed with the rooms.

So as we’re coming in here in the lobby of the hotel, let’s explore a little history here. You got Fidel meeting with different presidents from all over the world. This is where they met. This is where they met. Again, very, very famous hotel. Now we have a little bit of a bunch of people waiting on the elevator here. That’s when we start running into inefficiencies. About four out of the six elevators are not working. They just haven’t put as much money into maintenance as maybe they should have. we noticed this morning at our buffet, they were taking the mushrooms out of cans, everything out of cans.

What happened there? Is it going down?

It’s going down.

Okay, okay, coming back up. So we start noticing the little inefficiencies with the hotel, waiting for those canned goods. There was hair on our tub, as well as there was a cockroach at the table next to us this morning at the buffet.

So I’m just sharing these things with you because things aren’t always what they seem from the outside. As an insurance agent, we’re told … Some companies tell you this, “Buy an expensive car. Buy a nice suit, if it’s just one of them.” Give an image of … Go up the … All right.

Is it working?

It will work.

Okay, I just want to point out the telephone here. What do you guys think this telephone … What year is this from?

In case of emergency.

Think it works?

One can hope.

It’s supposed to work.

Where are you from?

I’m from Cuba. Where are you from?

From Cuba? And you’re speaking in French? Nice.

I speak lots of … Where are you from?


Oh yeah.

Oh yeah? Nice.

First time in Cuba?

First time in Cuba!


Thank you. So we’re going up to one of the executive floors here.

Here we go.

Are you showing to your friends?

Yeah, millions of people. Say hello!


Where are you guys from?



He’s China.

China! Austria, China, see? People from all over the world.


US. I’m the only American here.

So now we’re on our executive floor. Look at the … See the furnishings? You might like that. The carpeting starts reminding me of my old fraternity house. It’s probably been there since the hotel was built. You can see the carpeting.

Now there’s a lot of history on the walls, which is why I wanted to take this route here. Okay, look at this about the Cold War and the missile crisis. This is where all the presidents were meeting. Pretty cool, right? Pretty cool. Ooh, I want you to look at this bedding. Look at this bedding. Pretty awesome, right? This is from 1930. I’m showing you that, because I’m about to show you my room. That is still the same. It hasn’t changed.

This is the way that most insurance people are doing their business. They’re stuck in the 1930s. They’re using tools that they were using in the 1930s. I have people posting on my ads that word-of-mouth is the best way to do business. Word-of-mouth is still … Buddy, maybe in 1930, but we got phones now. We got something called social media. There will be thousands and thousands and thousands of people watching this within three days of me posting it. You can’t do that by word-of-mouth. Right?

There’s people out there bugging their friends and family. They don’t want you to do that. Trust me, they do not want you to do that. When you can actually be exposed and learn a whole new way to do it, a whole new way. See, for most of us, we’re stuck. We don’t know what we don’t know. We think that this is the best. My professional agent said this is the best place. This is the best place.

I’m going to show you now, we’re at the very corner. This is as good as it gets. Executive level, and this what our room looks like. Let’s see if we can see just a little bit. Look at the bedding. Same exact bedding. Now this, in the US, would be like a Motel 6 or something. This bed was not comfortable. I kind of made it for your viewing pleasure. I kind of made it a little bit last night. Gave us two beds.

So this is what the room looks like. I wanted to give you … This is an executive level room. The bathroom, I mean it’s okay. It’s okay, right? The agent told me this was the very best. She didn’t know what she didn’t know, because there is a brand new hotel that just opened up. They call it Five Stars Plus. We ran into yesterday. We said, “You know what? Once I learned that new place …” At first we’re okay here. We’re okay, because we didn’t know what we didn’t know. We didn’t know there was something better out there.

Most likely, if you’re an insurance agent doing what you were taught by your manager, you don’t know that there’s something better out there. You’re doing okay with your referrals, and you’re bugging friends and family, and your word-of-mouth and all that crap. You’re doing okay. You have no idea there’s a better world out there. What if, with a click of a button, you could be transported to a world of doing business that you had no idea existed?

Then bam, just like that, you’re transported to a whole new place you had no idea existed. This is the first and only five-star plus hotel in Havana, Cuba. It’s the The Gran Manzana. It’s a Kapinski hotel. Now look at the bedding there. Very different bedding. Look at this bed! It’s an amazing, amazing bed. This is real five stars, something way better than our professional agent even knew. Look at that, see that big glass? That’s the shower. I don’t know if you can see the little silhouette, Sarah’s actually showering in there. You can make it opaque, but that’s an entire bathroom there.

Now if you come out here, we got what the consider to be the best view. Here we are, the famous plaza. The center of Havana, Cuba, right outside our door. Pretty cool, right? Had no idea existed. So with the click of a button, you can take your business to a whole new place that you don’t even know exists.

Less effort, less time, using today’s technology to earn five times more money, help five times more people. Look at this place. I wonder if this … Or if we’re going to have to edit this out. She’s taking a shower. Right? Whole new place. I’ll show you the rest here in one second.

Okay, so Sarah’s done showering now. Check out this shower. This thing is huge. It’s like a whole room. Let’s get in here. Look at that, we’ve got the rain … What do they call it, rain shower thing. We took a shower here last night and it’s like being under a waterfall. Huge place. I had no idea this existed. Look at that shower. Man you can’t really tell how big it is. Bathroom a little bit of a mess, been used.

But my point is … Let’s get out into the hallway. My point is that we have no idea what we don’t know. When we were at the other place, down at the other side of Havana, we thought that was the best. Right now, if you’re watching this, you probably think that what you’re doing is the best in your business, what you’ve been taught, referrals, observation.

Oh my gosh, observation. You know what that means? They’re actually teaching that as a strategy. It means bug any stranger around you. Bug any stranger around you. I had somebody do that to me at a Starbucks line. It was a well-known New York company. We won’t completely throw them under the bus, but I thought he was just being a pushy, pain-in-the-butt kind of guy. It’s a strategy they teach. It’s a strategy! How does that … Does that make you feel like an expert? Does that make you feel like … Is that the reason why you got into the business? To be pesking people at the Starbucks line? Really?

How about being in a place where you only talk to people that want to talk to you. Look, I want to show the furniture. Remember the furniture from the last place? A little different, right? A little different. A little bit classier here. So right now, you’re doing what you’re taught. Observation, that’s actually a strategy. Look at this place. Observation as a strategy … You don’t have to do that.

We have a program, we have a system where we only talk to people that actually want to talk to us. Just had a gentleman named Matthew, he’s in our program. He shared on a post … He actually had two posts. One post was a really long one, talked about his journey with us, his ups and downs. He’s had some challenges. You’ve got to get this straight. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. If you’re looking for a magical, miracle thing, this isn’t for you. It does take work.

But the good news is, it’s an actual system. We have a system, we have a process. All the biggest companies in the world, whether you’re Apple, whether you’re Microsoft, Coca-Cola, they all have processes in place. So now, we’re in this place where … Matthew, the second thing that he talked about was how he had an actual … Here we got. Hello. We have somebody greeting us. Thank you.

He talked about how he had his very first appointment where he got 48 minutes. In 48 minutes, he made just under $5,000. It was a $6,000 policy. So I’m sharing that with you because, yeah, Matthew had his ups and downs, just like we do with anything that’s worthwhile. Again, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. But today, one of the things that Matthew said is that he has a predictable system where he knows exactly what he needs to do to create the income that he needs for him and his family.

He gave that as an example, “Oh by the way, I just had an appointment, my first appointment. 48 minutes, made just over $5,000.” That’s what we do. Matthew was a certified financial planner. Excuse me, a financial planner. We have a lot of those. There’s a lot of people that are taking two appointments, three, four appointments, it’s normal to do what Matthew did in just that one appointment.

Let’s walk a little bit more. We’re actually at the rooftop here. Show you a little bit more about this place. Ooh, it’s getting a little sunny. So, I got a memo from your clients. They don’t want you to take five appointments or four appointments to do what you can do in one appointment. They don’t want you to do that. It reminds me of a story one of my buddies told me this, where he …

We’re at the rooftop now. This guy goes to the dentist, and the dentist tells him, “Hey, we’ve got to pull your tooth.” He says, “Okay, well how much?” He said, “Well, it’s $400.” “Okay, $400. How long is it going to take?” “Oh it’ll take about 10 minutes.” He goes, “10 minutes? For $400? Isn’t that kind of excessive?” Then the dentist says, “Well, I can take an hour if you want.”

That’s what most financial planners are doing. All we care about today is the result, guys. The result. That’s it. Most financial planners are working way too hard, three appointments, four appointments, three hours, four hours, for something they can get accomplished in one hour … In less than an hour, like Matthew said. 48 minutes, a $6,000 a year policy. And that’s just to start the relationship.

Your clients’ time is more valuable now than ever. People are more busy now than they ever have been. They want a process. They want a system. They don’t want you taking four appointments. So folks, just know that there is a better way out there. You don’t know what you don’t know. Right now you think that you have to take four appointments to close a deal. You think that you have to bother friends and family to close a deal. Observation, that’s not it.

There’s systems and processes out there. Ours is one of them. I’m not saying ours is for you, but ours is one of them, where you can definitely get everything done very efficiently. Talk to people that only want to talk to you about exactly what it is that you offer. Not your friends, not your family. Write up an application in one visit. So guys there is a better way.

Alberto Riehl, talking to you from the very top of Havana, Cuba. Let me tell you, the top … There’s a lot of room at the top. There’s a nice little infinity pool overlooking Havana. So hopefully, we’ll see you here at the top guys. Have a great day. See you on the next video.

The Difference Between An Agent That Kills It, And All The Rest.

Hey, guys. Alberto Riehl here, Riehl’s Rants and, excuse me. Just finished eating a bunch of … Oh, got stuff in my tooth. I didn’t plan this. Just finished eating a bunch of great street food. I’m in Mexico, Playa Carmen. Ate some corn. They have corn over here. Some tacos, quesadillas. I’m stuffed, and I’m … Is very spicy. Very spicy. Put a lot of sauce on it, but I got inspired to shoot this video. Don’t eat this stuff if you’re gonna go run a bunch of appointments. I can already tell my whole system is slowing down. For me, it’s siesta time. Kids are gone right now. They’re with Sarah, and so I get to go and have a little nap, which is what this is good for.

But as I was sitting here, I was looking at these places. Look, let’s walk to them. Every single one of these places offers the same exact thing. Look. Okay. See, you can see the menu. Tacos, what they call tortes, burritos. Tacos, tortes, burritos. Same exact thing. They’re right next to each other. Look at this menu here. Tortes, burritos, quesadillas. All have quesadillas, I had a quesadilla also. Not at any of these places. Look at this. Cross. And you can go on and on and on. They’re all offering the same thing. Tacos, burritos, all … this is pastor they call it, they all have that same meat. Look at this, another one. How many is that now?

Now here’s the one I ate at. Look at the difference. Same menu. Same thing. Look burritos, tortas, quesadillas, right? But this place is jam packed. There’s … see a few people right here. Let me give you a behind the scenes look where everybody is. There’s a bunch of people sitting back here. Everybody’s eating. You can see a couple back there to the right. This place is packed. Look, there’s more people over here. Everybody sitting here … Look behind me … is eating from this place. Everybody. See kids back there, families, these guys here, these people over here. Packed. What’s the difference? What does this have to do with insurance?

Well I mean if you’re honest with yourself you know that everybody’s selling the same thing. Right? Everybody’s selling the same thing. You’ve got thousands and thousands and thousands of brokers, all selling the same thing. All selling the same companies. Why is it that that one stand next to a bunch of other stands … I don’t know how many there was, seven, eight … selling the exact same thing is packed full of business while the other ones were kinda empty. Most of them were empty. Maybe one or two customers. And of course I always think about insurance.

We have a P&C guy, one of our clients and they … it’s actually in Georgia that one of the companies that you’ve heard of and he is killing it with our program. Killing it. Absolutely killing it. This guy makes trips every year. Got himself an exotic car. I mean he’s spending time with family. And we had an agent for the same exact company that is 10 minutes away, said less than 10 minutes away … Hopefully I don’t get hit here … less than 10 minutes away and he’s struggling. Completely struggling. Same company. Same P&C company. Same products, everything. So you know it’s not the products, right? Service? No. Guess what? It’s not the service.

What else are people trying to improve on their? What’s the most important thing in business? And unfortunately in today’s world, the best marketer wins. The best marketer is gonna get the business. That’s why that P&C guy is killing it. I mean he was already doing very well before he came to us. Now he has our system and he’s completely knocking it out of the park. But it’s the same with those guys. All those stands had what we call barkers, right? People out there saying, “Come on in! Have some tacos. Have some quesadillas.” But there’s the one guy, that I started talking to.

This guy had an amazing personality. He was laughing, joking around with people. All the other people were just, you could tell they hated to be there. They did not want to be there. You know? ‘Cause just kind of saying “Tacos, quesadillas …” while this guy was having a great time and it looked like he absolutely loved his job. He is the marketing arm for that little taco stand and he was bringing them in by the droves. You saw that. Absolutely packed.

So guys, the insurance world is just as saturated as that little taco area there and I think that’s great news! It means that there’s a lot of money in the insurance business and you all know an insurance agent that’s absolutely killing it, right? Makes the trips every year. Making five, six, seven hundred thousand a year. I know a couple guys making over a million dollars a year and they have the same exact products you do. What’s the difference? They’re better marketers. They’re better at sales. Make sure that when you’re investing in something for your business … Knowledge is not the answer, you know if more information was the actual … if information was the answer … more information was the answer, we’ve had a lot of people talking about, we’d all be millionaires with six packs. Right?

Information is not the answer. I see people all the time, agents like, “Oh, if I just get my CFP then I’ll be successful.” “Oh, if I get my CFHC then I’ll be successful.” This P&C guy doesn’t have any of those. Our top producers don’t have any of those. A couple of them do. I never had any letters by my name. That really doesn’t matter. That knowledge is not gonna take your business to another level. But if you study marketing, study technology, study the internet, study Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, that will take your business to a whole other level and you can be like our little friends there at the taco stand, just packed with clients coming your way. So hopefully you guys are having a wonderful day. Made it to my hotel here and we’ll see you on the next one.

Are You Asking The Wrong Questions?

Hey guys, good morning. Alberto Riehl here coming to you from Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I’m at a little boutique hotel, it’s called The Fives, it’s pretty cool. It’s Curio by Hilton, something like that. It’s pretty cool, only about 40 units. I’m at the gym this morning. It’s Tuesday morning and I’ve been here for almost an hour. I’m just about done with my workout and I’m wondering where the hell is everybody?

Nobody has been here the whole time and it’s kind of funny because yesterday we were on our call, our Predictable Premium call that we have twice a week. Yesterday was Monday and we had one of our members, Perry, who has a lot of success with Bankers Life, came on. We’re going over some of his action items and one of his action items was to call a hundred people a day, make a hundred calls a day. I was like, “Holy crap. Dude, is that sustainable? Can you do that for the long term? That’s very important. You’ve got to be able to do it for the long term.”

He says, “Yeah, I’ve been doing it for three years.” I was like, “Okay, shit.” He said, “I’m in the military or was in the military. I’m self-disciplined, I set an objective, I do it, been doing it for three years.” I was like, “Okay then good enough. Then keep doing your hundred calls a day for now.” He just started with us, he’s in our very first lesson.

Then my next question to him was, “Do you like doing a hundred calls a day?” He goes, “No, man. Every day … Before, it’s like I want to hang myself before I get on the phone.” I said, “Okay, so you absolutely hate it.” He’s like, “Yep, I absolutely hate it.” What does that have to do with this? We were talking about a quote that says, “Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Not because they want to, not because they like it, but because they know it’s what it takes to get the job done.”

We had a great conversation, one-on-one coaching where I was like, “Dude, the good news is you’re only going to do that for a couple more weeks because very soon you’re going to activate our client attraction system and you’re going to start having clients coming to you asking to do business with you.” He was like, “Oh my gosh, I can’t even believe that that’s possible but that’s why I’m here.”

I said, “Yeah, I know. You’ve been doing it the hard way for three years. I don’t know how many people out there might be doing the same thing, a hundred cold calls.” Another thing that he said is, he said, “Man, my show rate is horrible. I show up and people aren’t there a lot of the time, I don’t understand it. Again, I’m in the military, we make a commitment, we’re there, we honor our commitments.”

I said, “Buddy, it’s because you’re good on the phone, you’re selling them on the appointment. Then they get off the phone and the emotion, they get out of the ether and it’s like, John and Mary are like I don’t know if we want this Perry guy coming over. We got bills to pay, they’re checking out their mail. Yeah, maybe we just won’t be here anymore.” I said, “But that’s not going to happen. When you have clients, your ideal clients chasing you, coming to you, asking you for an appointment, asking for you to sell them stuff, guess what, they’re going to be there because they’re the ones initiating the relationship. They’re coming to you so it makes all the difference in the world.”

Guys, if you’re maybe in that place now where you’re chasing people, let me tell you it’s a whole lot funner when you have your prospects chase you. Anyway, so he’s been doing, he’s won all kinds of awards with Bankers Life, Chairman’s Award, and I can’t remember the names. Every company has something different. Top producer and he’s gotten the awards and the trophies and all that kind of stuff. I said, “Buddy, in the next couple weeks business is going to get a whole lot funner for you.”

Again, I’m here at the gym, one of the things that you know that I do every single day before getting to work. It’s not to look good physically, not at all. I do it so I can feel good mentally. Guys, we’re in a mental sport. The psychology of what we do is the most important thing. Most guys don’t make it, they have a couple bad weeks, couple bad months, they’re out of the business and they go back with their tail between their legs. It’s a very tough industry to be in.

When you’re mentally strong it puts the cards in your favor. That’s one thing that … Before when I would do national trainings with insurance companies people would get on the end of the training, we’d have a Q and A and they’d ask me, “Alberto, well tell me what your presentation says, tell me your script. Can I have your script?” I’d say, “Yeah, but you’re asking the wrong question.” Yes, we have a script that’s extremely powerful. Yes, we have a script that has all the latest science based technology into it, from neurolinguistic programming, hypnotic selling techniques, we communicate with people subconsciously. Our script is about 23 minutes. People are closing multi- thousand, thousand dollar a year life premium deals in 45 minutes. I’m talking from start to finish.

Hello my name’s Alberto to filling out all the application. The application itself takes 15 minutes. Done in 45 minutes, on to the next appointment, one appointment every hour on the hour. If that sounds like something that might be fun for you maybe check us out. People never want to learn about what we do before the appointment. That’s what I tell them when they ask about the script. Wrong question. The words and communication, if you’ve studied any of this stuff, you know that the words are only 7% of communication. 7%, that’s it.

You’re asking me for 7% of the presentation, 7% of the sales process when you’re asking for the script. That’s the wrong question. The right question should be, what do you do for the three hours before you get and out and conduct business, but people don’t want to hear that. Work out for an hour, meditate for 20 minutes, visualize my goals for another 20 minutes, write down my goals for another 20 minutes, and the list goes on and on and on. I have a ritual to get in peak mental state.

Breathing exercises for another 10 minutes. People don’t want to hear that. No, no, no, no, no, just give me the script. Guys, we’re like professional athletes. It takes a whole lot more than just the simple little words to become the very best at what we do. Got to tell you man, as you go out there to the trenches remember that. Make sure that you’re in the correct mental state, make sure that you’re ready for the guy in front of you.

Now, you’ve got to be honest with yourself. The couple in front of you has been getting ready for 24, maybe 48 hours, depending when you set the appointment. “Honey, I don’t care how nice John is or Perry is, we’re going to tell him that we’re going to think about it. We don’t do anything right on the first bat, we’re going to think about it, that’s our deal we’ve made in our marriage 20 years ago.” They prepare for you.

However, if you’re a sales professional like our guys at Predictable Premium you’ve been preparing for years, and years, and years. You’ve been up when it’s dark, when all the competition is still sleeping. You’re up preparing mentally, ready to go, so really it’s an unfair advantage. We’re here to provide more value to our customers and the very best way we can do that is to work on ourselves and keep getting better.

Guys, I’m going to get back to my workout, I’m almost done. You can see I’m sweating like a pig here. We got the World Cup on every TV. Kind of a big deal, World Cup going on. Mexico beat Germany just a couple days ago, huge upset, one, zero. Going to get back to my workout, guys. Hope you’re having a great wonderful day, happy Tuesday. We’ll see you on the next video. Take it easy everybody.

What Is Your Dream?

Hey guys, Alberto Riehl, Riehl’s Rants coming to you from Mexico, a little rainy Mexico. I’ll show you where we’re at today. We have this little, kind of cool. Look at the roof. Executive player, little huts on the water. Now we’re in the Caribbean. Usually this water, you know, the sand is … see if we can get some good light here. The sand is white and the water is like turquoise, turquoise blue. Beautiful. But it’s not really looking like that today is it? Effects have been here for a couple of days. It’s been storming to the point that we had to put like, towels at the bottom there of our suite. There’s the other bedroom.

We have a couple of bedrooms here. We had to put towels down because of the wind and the rain was like, sideways coming into our little cabana. It’s kinda cool. We’re so close to the ocean that look, we are actually closer to the water then the lifeguard.

Pretty cool. Right? So we have a little … Let me see which way I can show you that. Got People walking around here and we got a little pool, see our little pool right here. Pretty cool. But man, it’s windy, it’s rainy and we’re having breakfast and stuff here at the resort, at the restaurant. You can imagine people are not, they’re not the happiest right?

They’re on vacation and just to show up. And it was funny, we were looking at the weather for the next few days and it’s all thunderstorms. Literally, all thunderstorms. Look. There’s nobody at the beach like in the water. You got all this seaweed and it looks brown. It looks like, you know, reminds me of like Monterrey, California. Now Monterey California is kind of cool for different reasons but, but the beach kinda looks like this.

Right? And so people are pretty disappointed, but at the same time, man, I’m just, I’m like, super stoked. I’m happy to be here. And why is that? Well, my dream for a long time was to be able to work from a laptop, right? Be able to work mobile-y. I used to write down my goals on my goal card and I used to write down all the time that I’m so happy and grateful now that I can work from anywhere in the world just with wifi and my laptop and today, that’s a dream come true.

I mean it took years and years and years and years of me running around. You’re watching this, you’re an insurance guy. Probably a dinosaur, right? Like I was. I was a dinosaur for like 17 years. Literally. In traffic, in a car, getting dressed up in the morning, putting on shoes and socks and getting dry cleaning done and right? Making sure the shirts are pressed.

Man, at times I was in Texas and it’s like 100 degrees, 110 degrees in the summer and I’m having to wear long sleeve shirts and ties and that just didn’t seem natural. Right? The back of my shirt is all sweaty as I’m going to appointments and then stuck in traffic, rush hour traffic in the morning, rush hour traffic in the afternoon and maybe that kind of rings a bell.

That’s the way that most dinosaurs, most insurance agents run their business. Now today, it’s not like that at all. Now it’s something that I had to work on it very, very hard. I bought a lot of courses. I invested in a lot of programs and courses and workshops to learn how to advertise and market myself online, how to do business online, how to do business over the phone, and today I’m able to work from anywhere in the world.

I’ll show you my little desk. Have my little desk right here. I put my laptop away. I had to put a tee shirt over it because literally there’s like a little bit of rain coming in, but I was sitting right here.

You can see my view of the brown sand and it’s now Friday afternoon. I just finished for the day, so I was able to be completely productive. We got a few new clients coming in. We have a couple of consultants that had a few clients coming in as well and it’s been a productive day. It was funny, because I was kinda laughing as I was putting my stuff away and there’s rain coming in and I’m closing the door and moving the towels and I was kind of cracking up because this is what I asked for.

This is what I wanted to do for years and years and years. I got to tell you, a day on the beach in Mexico, rainy, stormy with an ocean full of algae that you can’t even walk into beats the perfect day in rush hour traffic stuck, having to get all dressed up, face to face, driving around. Any day. The worst day on the beach is definitely better than any day stuck in traffic. Right?

So if you are an insurance agent and you find yourself being a dinosaur and you’re at a point where you know that you’re ready to be a robot. You know that you’re ready to use today’s technology to do the heavy lifting for you, do the qualifying of clients, do the educating of the clients and be able to schedule appointments for you.

We wake up to qualified appointments, ready for us to call them and give us a credit card number. And so if you’re at a point in your career where you know there is a better way, check us out. Dream Source Consulting LLC, go to our Facebook page search for us. We have over 10,000 agents following us and you can check out our YouTube channel. It’s under my name, Alberto, last name R-I-E-H-L. We’ve had over a million views over the last 30 days and check out our testimonials. We now have over 60 video testimonials just from the last 90 days that we’ve posted on there. So hope you’re having a great day. Have a wonderful weekend and let’s see if we can see a little bit better and we will talk to you on the next video.

Money Is A Reward For Service Rendered

Hey guys! Alberto Riehl. I gotta tell you, man. I’m in New York City right now. I am at the birthplace of American Democracy. It’s called the Federal Hall. Federal Hall, Birthplace of American Democracy. First capital. First President. First Congress. First freedoms. It happened right here. And I gotta tell you, we just finished our Master Mind here in New York City. We had people from all over the world. Seven figure earners, multiple seven figure earners. We had eight figure earners and multiple eight figure earners. And man, if you’re here, you’re truly blessed. All of these guys, we have them from all over the world as I said.

Some guys were from Geneva, Switzerland, France. Where else do we have guys? Australia. All the way from Australia, from Canada. And everybody wanted to come here. They’re trying to figure out ways to come here. We have guys that are getting jobs in Ireland. They have to be there for a year. Once they’re there, they can transfer, do some sort of corporate, commercial, transfer over to the US, and that’s what people are doing to be here.

So, you know, it’s kinda easy to take it for granted, right? We’re born here and we kinda whine about things not being as perfect as they could be, and sure, they’re not perfect, but you know what? They’re better than they are anywhere else. So if you’re here, I mean, the opportunities that you have are just absolutely amazing.

Now here’s the New York Stock Exchange. Let’s see how much we can see here. I’ve been here, I’ve been to New York, quite a bit of times. This is my second time this year, but I’ve never been down here, down to Wall Street, The New York Stock Exchange, and this is where capitalism at it’s finest happens. Right?

Now, one of the things we teach our guys is you have to give value. All money is is a reward for service render. I’m sure some people watching this, rolling their eyes a little bit, oh, money, money, money. And if you’re doing that, most likely you don’t have any. That’s probably why. It has to do with your relationship with money and the thing is that I learned a long time ago that all money is is a reward for service rendered. That’s it.

It’s a reward for service rendered. So if you want more money, serve more people. That’s it. Just focus on helping more people, servicing more people, and then the money will come as a by product. And you know, we have two support calls every single week, live calls, where our clients, my students, can come on, ask me as many questions as they wish. I help them through challenges that they’re having, give them examples, whatever it is that they need. And today is one of those days.

We have them on Mondays and Thursdays, usually, four pm eastern time. It’s about fifteen minutes to the call, and a lot of people said, why don’t you change it? Why don’t you cancel it? You’re touring New York City, but again, I know that money is a reward for service rendered. So I’m here to help my clients, I’m here to serve my clients, and I know because of that the cause and effect happens and business just keeps getting better and better.

So we’ll be doing our Q/A Call here, live, in about fifteen minutes. Guys, if you haven’t checked out our program yet, you should check out our Facebook page, search for us, Dream Source Consulting on Facebook. You can go to our YouTube channel, Alberto Riehl, R-I-E-H-L. You’ll have over 40 video testimonials from clients sharing about the great results that they’re getting, and really that’s all we care about. At the end of the day, there’s results. So, man, it’s getting kinda noisy. Little different to what I’m used to out here, but this is Alberto Riehl, Riehl’s Rants, from New York City, New York Stock Exchange, and the birth place of democracy. Democracy is how you pronounce it. Hope you’re having a wonderful Monday, and have a wonderful rest of the day. Alberto Riehl, Riehl’s Rants.

Are You Willing To Pay The Price?

Hey guys, good morning. Alberto Riehl here in New York City. It is Sunday morning… make sure I don’t get hit here. It’s a little different to what I’m used to. Sunday morning on my way walking to my Mastermind. I got to tell you man it’s been an amazing, amazing event. There’s just, so many things that I’ve learned in the last couple days. Today is the last day. There’s just one thing that I’m super excited about, that I’m going to put into action actually today, tonight. I’m going to put it into action in my business, we’re going to have some great results. I think that’s a great way to tackle when you go to events like this, a lot of people, 95% of people that go to a live event, go back to work on Monday, and go back to their regular lives and don’t do anything. Less than 5% actually put it into action.

This is Anthony Robbins. Anthony Robbins was considered to be one of the best out there. He says if he can have 5% of the people that attend his seminars put it into action, it’s a great success. Why is that? People get all these ideas, and they become overwhelmed. Then, they’ll say “Well, I’ll do it later, I’ll do it later.” They go back to their daily life, and then they forget about it. I think the trick is to pick just one thing, one thing to implement. That’s what’s great about these events, if you’re going to once, that one thing can transform your entire business. One of the coolest things about it is the relationships that you build also. This is a … it’s a $30,000 buy-in to get into the mastermind you have. Everybody in there is earning seven figures. Some guys, multiple seven figures. Some guys eight figures.

I actually went to dinner last night with a guy who’s an eight-figure earner. His business did $10 million last year. He was telling me his story, and I thought “Wow.” It’s all about willingness. This guy’s name is Gabriel. Came over from Uruguay when he was 22 years old. Came into Miami. He had it tough. The guy didn’t have anything, his job was picking up trash at the beach, so that’s his job, picking up trash at the beach. This is Park Avenue, I got the MetLife building in the background there. I think there might be a little bit of money in insurance, right? Then right behind me, you see the Waldorf, that’s the famous Waldorf Astoria. It’s being renovated again. If you have any doubt that there’s any money in the insurance industry, the Waldorf Astoria broke a record, just got bought by a Chinese insurance company, paid, I think was $2 billion, the most they’ve ever paid for a hotel.

There’s plenty of money in our industry. But going back to Gabriel. It’s all about willingness. Most people are not willing to do what it takes to be successful in business. This guy was picking up trash at the beach, that’s what he did. Then, he was waiting tables and bussing tables. At one point, he told me about his apartment had nothing in it, a little studio apartment, nothing in it. He’s sleeping on the floor. Then, his girlfriend is supporting him, helping him out. He’s chasing his dream the whole time. He knew he could make some money online, e-commerce. People are telling him to get realistic. You guys ever heard that? His friends, his family, his wife is saying “Honey, please, get a job, get a job.”

His father-in-law. Would you imagine your wife’s dad sits you down and says “Look, man. It’s time to start acting like a man and get a job so you can support your family.” He’s like “No, you don’t understand. There’s potential.” He’s talking about business online, and earning millions of dollars. He was like “Dude, you’re crazy. You’re delusional. You’re crazy.” He’s like “No, I know I can do it. I know I can do it.” He’s taking credit cards out, he’s in debt, he told me I think it was five credit cards all maxed out. He’s down to his last $500 on a credit card. His last $500.

Finally, boom, something hits. Puts in $500 into Facebook, ends up making $8,000 back. Finally, something hits. He just kept scaling, scaling. Guys, this is at the end of 2016. The guy was going after his dream. He’s 36 today. He was going after his dream for 14 years before anything happened. 14 years of heartache, 14 years of let-downs, 14 years of setbacks, of failures. That’s the way most people see it. He saw it as a learning curve. He talks about that. I got to tell you. 14 years, are you willing to go through that heartache and fights with the spouse, and the family, your family thinking you’re crazy for 14 years?

But I got to tell you, at the end of 2016, that’s when things popped for him. Last year, in 2017, his first full year, he did over $10 million in business. Now, the same people that were saying he was crazy, are his biggest supporters of course. He got to buy his wife the dream house that she always wanted. The mother-in-law that said he was crazy got to buy her, her dream car, a Mercedes that she always wanted. Is it worth it? Is all that stuff worth it? Absolutely, guys, absolutely.

The night before I went to dinner with a guy named Josh. You probably heard of him, he’s one of the biggest marketers online, you see him everywhere. He earned over $4 million last year. He’s telling me more in depth about his story, how again, it created all kinds of frictions with his wife, with his marriage. He’s going after this big dream, everybody around him things he’s crazy. Boom, today, amazing life, they moved to Florida, they grew up in, gosh where was it? One of the very cold places up north, maybe you’re watching up north. I think it was … Gosh, I can’t remember. Iowa or one of those states. Again, now they have their dream home, beautiful kids, gosh, bought the wife a Maserati.

Now, that’s not what it’s about, but it’s the time freedom that they have now, the financial freedom, and they’re all giving back. It’s funny, because I get people on my posts all the time saying “Oh yeah, fake story. Here’s another guy that went through a rough time. Everybody goes through a rough time. Everybody sleeps on a buddy’s couch,” which I had to do. I was sharing my story, and we’re laughing now. We’re laughing. That’s what brings character. But at the time, it’s not so funny. But yeah, I did, I slept on a buddy’s couch for months. My wife, pregnant, had to move back in with her mom. We’re 3,000 miles away from each other. I’m working seven days a week. I got stumped on two-year-old leads, final expense leads.

If any of you guys have worked final expense, you know that’s the bottom of the barrel, you don’t get into the insurance business to sell final expense. Making little $300 sales. I’m calling on people that, again, leads that were two years old. These are seniors, these are low-income seniors, very unhealthy. I’m knocking on doors, and I’m asking for John, “May I speak with John?” They’re like “Who wants to know?” “Alberto, he sent in this thing.” They’re like “That must be a long time ago, because John’s been dad for six months.” You know, that happened to me all the time. I got chased by pit bulls. I don’t know what it is about that area, I was in Hawaii, where it seemed like everybody had a pit bull, working seven days a week from early morning until the sun came down.

I was told by locals “Hey man, you shouldn’t be here anymore, sun’s going down, it’s not safe for you to be here.” That’s what I had to do, borrowing my friend’s car to get there, a little Ford Ranger with no air conditioning. This is Hawaii, guys, I was sweating, my back is full of sweat, because I’m showing up to people’s houses hoping that they answer the door seven days a week. That’s what I had to do. Old, stumped on leads with wrong numbers, and people were dead. But that’s what I had to do to get to where we are today.

Most people I talk to, we talk to hundreds of agents every month, hundreds of them, every month with our guys. There’s people in tough situations, tough situations. But what are they doing? They’re just standing back at home hoping and praying that things somehow get better. Somehow they get better. They’re not willing to do anything. We tell them, it’s like “Look, man. Right now all you have is time. You don’t have any money. You have time. Use that.” Like, no, they’re just sitting on the couch, hoping something falls onto their lap. They’re just not willing to do it. Guys, that’s the price of admission, that’s what you have to do.

The other secret about it is that if you want to stay on top, and stay in business, then that never ends. It never ends. The sacrifices are a little bit different. Like right now, we’re in New York City at Sunday morning, most people are with their family, right? Sunday morning. Flew in from Southern California. Southern California to New York City, it’s like a six-hour flight. Six-hour flight, price of admission to the mastermind pretty high. Airline tickets to get over here, hotels in New York are pretty expensive. But that’s the price that we must continue to pay to stay on top and stay in business.

Now, the good news is, very few people are willing to pay it. If you’re one of those few people, then congratulations, man. I’ll see you at the top. If you’re not, then think about why is it that I’m doing this? There has to be something bigger than you. Maybe it’s for the family, maybe it’s to get back to your community, or maybe it’s to your church. But it’s something that has to be bigger than you that makes you want to do whatever it takes. People always ask “What does it take?” Whatever it takes. It doesn’t matter. We decided that “Yes, I’m going to get this, I’m going to make my business successful.” That’s the only decision made. After that it’s whatever it takes. Whatever it takes to be successful, I’m going to do.

Sunday morning, from New York City, guys. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Alberto Riehl, talk to you soon.

Little Man, Big Perception

Ryder Riehl: What?

Alberto Riehl: What did you just say about our room? What did you say about it?

Ryder Riehl: I don’t know.

Alberto Riehl: When we walked in.

Hotel Staff: Excuse me.

Alberto Riehl: Hello.

Ryder Riehl: That’s ours.

Hotel Staff: Yeah, that’s yours. Okay.

Alberto Riehl: Thank you so much.

Hotel Staff: My pleasure.

Alberto Riehl: Thank you.

Hotel Staff: My pleasure.

Alberto Riehl: All right. Alberto Riehl, and just got to Miami. We’re here for the Miami Open. I love my son, Ryder’s, perception of things. We walk in. What did you say about the room, buddy? Did you say it was big or did you say it was small?

Ryder Riehl: Small.

Alberto Riehl: Small. Now, we’re upgraded. This is our hotel room, so we walk in, and we’re at the Conrad Miami. I’ve never stayed a Conrad before, so I thought we would try it out. We’ve got a nice little full kitchen here, refrigerator, right? We’ve got a nice living area.

Ryder Riehl: That’s a small room.

Alberto Riehl: Yeah, it’s tiny. It is. I love your perception. We’ve got a nice work area here, desk. Can’t see the ocean. It’s also the, they consider it the best view.

Ryder Riehl: I can see the ocean.

Alberto Riehl: We have-

Ryder Riehl: Daddy, I can see the ocean with the boats.

Alberto Riehl: You can see the ocean with the boats.

Ryder Riehl: Yep.

Alberto Riehl: Can kind of see, okay. There we go. There we go. You can see the bay view there. Then, we’ve got the bedroom here. It’s nothing huge, nice little walk-in closet, but definitely not your typical little hotel room. Here’s a nice tub.

Ryder Riehl: Nice tub.

Alberto Riehl: Nice big bathroom. We’ve got a shower. So it’s a decent little place. But I wasn’t planning on filming this, but it’s so great, I mean, here again is the kitchen again. It goes back around to the living area. But when he walked in, when Ryder walked in, the very first thing he said was, what a small room. And I thought, wow, that is so awesome.

Alberto Riehl: That is so awesome because for most people, they would walk into this room and be totally amazed, right? Totally amazed, and wow, what an amazing suite, and so forth. My son’s perception is, what’s a small room. So what is your perception of a room that looks like this? If it’s something that, what a wow, what a huge room, maybe it’s time to start rethinking the people that you’re hanging out with, the type of actions that you’re taking in your business, and start thinking a little bit bigger, like this little man right here, right? Got a big thinker right here. Look at this tiny little hotel room. What are we going to do tomorrow? Are we going to watch some tennis? Here from the Miami Open, guys, Alberto and Ryder Riehl. Oh, that sounds cool, Ryder Riehl’s rants. See you next time

Razors Edge =$200K+

Alberto Riehl: Where we leaving from? What did we just watch? Tennis? Was is the final for the trophy? Yeah? And who won?

Ryder: Isner.

Alberto Riehl: Isner. Who did you want to win?

Ryder: Sascha.

Alberto Riehl: Sascha. It was close though, huh? It was a good match. Three sets, tie breaker. Right?

Ryder: Yeah.

Alberto Riehl: Going back to the hotel after a great weekend of tennis. Right? And guys, it’s amazing how close the match was. John Isner and Sascha went to three sets, right?

Ryder: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Alberto Riehl: Three sets. There was a total of 204 points played. 204 points. What, about two and half hours they played, nonstop. The difference was six points. That’s it. Isner won six points more than Sascha did, so it reminded me of the Razor’s edge which my mentor, Bob Proctor, talks about all the time. He has a whole chapter on it in his book, You Were Born Rich. The razor’s edge, just that little bit more. That little extra can make such a huge difference. Six points was the difference between the entire match, but the payday was huge, right? Isner won 1.4 million dollars for winning the tournament. Sascha Zverev won about $600,000. So less than half. Just six points. I mean, what does that make each point worth? Quite a bit, right?

Alberto Riehl: It’s amazing how that razor’s edge can make all the difference in the world in our business as well. In our group, with the average sale, just one little extra sale a week. One little extra sale a week is just under $200,000 a year extra. Just that little razor’s edge. Just a little bit more effort. Get that one … just one sale in an entire week out of all the appointments. Just one little extra sale earns our guys almost 200 grand. We’ve all been there before. We know it’s so close, right? We know that our prospects should be investing with us. They should be doing an application, but for some reason they’re not. But we can tell, it’s so close. It’s right there.

Alberto Riehl: Remember that next time you’re in that situation and just maybe give them one extra option. Maybe drop the price a little bit. Maybe get them started with a little less coverage. Give them that as an option. That can make a big difference at the end of the year. $200,000, razor’s edge. So last match of the tournament. We’re all done, buddy. What are we gonna do now [Ryder 00:02:35]? What did you want to do? Uh-oh. Sugar. Sugar’s wearing out. You getting tired? No? He never gets tired. So guys, next time you’re that close to a sale just give it a little bit extra effort. It can make a couple hundred thousand a year difference. We’ll see you next time.