2 Powers Present at Every Sale Appointment

Hey, guys. Alberto, and in this video I’m going to be talking about the two forces that are present in every single sales presentation. Now, in our company we specialize helping insurance companies, but if you’re selling anything out there, listen to this. This is really going to help you turn up your volume. If you’re getting people that say, “I got to think about it,” this is going to get rid of that objection. Okay? So the reason I decided to film this is, I was looking at our call logs, and we track everything. And that’s one thing you should do. We track all our phone calls, we record all our presentations, all our phone calls, we track it, we trace it, we’re counting, making sure we know our numbers. And in that I started seeing a pattern, and the pattern was our consultant saying that this person wanted to join us, but they were too scared. Or this person let themselves get in their own way. There were … Fear got in the way. They wanted to pull the trigger. Fear kept them from pulling the trigger. And so what we want to do is we want to break that pattern, right?

And so I want to talk about the two things that are present in every presentation and do my little graph here. And the first thing I want to talk about is fear. You have to understand as a sales guy, that when you meet with somebody, they’re scared. They’ve all been sold something they don’t want, and we all, we love to buy, but we hate to be sold. So we got to remember that. We all like to buy stuff, but we hate to be sold. So when you go over there, they have their walls up, right? They get prepared for you to say, “Honey, I don’t care how good this is. We’re going to tell them we always sleep on it, we got to discuss it, we’re going to think about it.” So we got to make sure that we know that that’s what’s happening before the scenes. Now, they’ve been preparing for 24 hours to meet with you. If you’re a sales professional, you’ve been preparing for years and years and years.

So really they should have absolutely no chance, and you should be able to show the value and then convert the sale. Now, here’s the problem. Most sales amateurs, and you know what guys? 97% of people that are selling are amateurs. So most likely it’s probably you. 97% of people, they try to work on the fear, and there’s a problem with that. Actually two problems. Number one, we get what we focus on. Whatever you give energy to grows. So if you’re talking about the fear, focusing on the fear, you’re bringing that fear to the front of their mind, it’s not going to work. Now, the second thing is that, as you evolve in your business, and you start selling some bigger cases, here’s what’s going to happen. So let’s say this is a $6,000-a-year case, right? Now, as you get to know your potential prospect, your potential client, you find out this person has some assets, they have some resources, and they’re better served with a, let’s say, a 20,000-a-year plan. Well, the problem is, as soon as you present it, here’s what’s going to happen. His fear is going to go up once again. You see, the higher the risk, the higher the fear. So this is a losing proposition. As you evolve more and sell bigger cases, it’s just impossible to win that game.

So what do we do? Here’s what we got to do. The other force is certainty. Certainty. Okay? Professionals work on the certainty. Now in the old days, if you worked for one of those big insurance companies, like the ones that have the halftime shows, the State Farms of the world and the MetLifes, which are all part of our program, by the way, they used to rely on their name. But that’s how business was done in the old days. Today you can’t do that. And when I say old days, that’s 11 years ago. If you remember 10 years ago, 2008, 2009, over 400 banks went out of business. A lot of them we know who they were. Big names, been around for over 100 years. Over 200 insurance companies went out of business also. This is great news because now more than ever, we’re in control of our destiny.

So what we got to do is this: As we talk to our prospect, we got to bring up their certainty level, and not until it’s at the same level of the fear do we even have a chance to close the sale. What we got to do, of course, is bring it above the fear level. Once we do that, it’s a sale, and you’ll start closing business in one meeting instead of taking three or four and all that kind of stuff. So the question is, how do we get certainty up? I’m going to show you my two favorite ways to do that.

First way is social proof. Now, this is my least favorite out of the two. But social proof, again, if you’re a dinosaur, if you’re doing business the old way, what this means is you’re bugging clients. You’re saying, “Hey Mr. Client. Please, can you talk to my other prospect?” Okay, we’ve got Mother Nature not cooperating. You say, “Can you talk to my other prospect, please? I’m a weak closer. I can’t close it. Will you please volunteer your valuable time and help me out?” Now, your clients are nice, and they’re going to say, “Sure, I’ll talk to them.” But here’s the thing, guys. You got to realize they’ve done study after study after study, survey after survey, and they ask them, “Is this something you really want to do?” And people every single time they say, “No, it’s not.”

I mean, put yourself in their shoes, right? They’re a professional. They’re busy. Maybe they’re a business owner like you are. If you’re a business owner, you know you have a list of to-do things for the day. You’re not even going to get to the bottom of the list for the day. You’re not even going to finish. And here comes this dude, your advisor that’s supposed to help you out, and he’s adding more stuff to the list? Buddy, he’s not going to like you. Another thing that they did is they asked them, in the last survey I read, “Do you admire and respect your advisor more or less when he asks you to talk to one of his clients?” Guess what they said? You know what they said. Every single time they said, “We respect them less, we admire them less.”

And you’re probably wondering, why can’t I get my clients to stick around? Because they don’t respect you. And you did that. Instead of adding stuff to their list to do, if you’re a good advisor, you should be taking stuff off that list and making their day easier for them. Okay? Now here’s the good news. I’m going to show you how to fix that. The first way is written reviews. Now, this is my least favorite, and the reason that’s my least favorite is because, guys, depending on what you read, 60 to 84% of all written reviews online are fake. There’s companies that make a lot of money by writing fake reviews. But you know what? People, most people don’t know that. So if you have some, use them. Make sure that they’re real. Make sure they’re real, honest reviews, and you have people that actually look at them.

It’s funny. I have family members. They … Yelp? Same thing. A lot of fake reviews. They’ll go to a restaurant like, “Man, I don’t understand it. They had great reviews. Why was the restaurant so crappy?” Well, that’s why. So that one, if you have to do it, do it. Now we get into a little bit better ones. Woo, getting warm out here. Screenshots. If you’re communicating with your clients via phone, text, we have a secret group on Facebook, people are posting their results all the time saying, “Man, this is great. It’s changed my life. It saved my business. You really helped us.” We take screenshots of those, and then we post them. And those are great. Those are very, very powerful. I’m sure you have some communication. Ask your clients if you can use them, and then you can start using them. It’s going to give you some good social proof. Okay? Now, I’m going to show you my website. Here at the bottom you’ll see a link. So I’ll show you exactly how we do all that, what we’re actually using today in our business to close big deals in one call.

Now, the third one, we start getting into good ones now. Articles, like Forbes, other publications. This tarts getting pretty powerful. In the last year I’ve been interviewed by Forbes twice, USA Today, Entrepreneur Magazine, man, the list goes on and on. This starts giving you a lot of credibility. In our next program that we’re coming out with here in the next couple of months, we are actually helping our clients build their relationships with the same writers we have relationships with so they can start getting published in some of these major publications. That’s going to be a huge deal. That’s going to be a game changer for many of you. What’s nice about this is, of course, it’s a third-party validation, people see it, and it adds a lot of credibility. Now, one thing that’s really cool, recently I got interviewed by a couple Ivy League schools, Columbia, Yale. You’ll see that on our website as well.

Here’s what’s really cool. I don’t want to throw my school under the bus, but I went to a school in Texas that it’s so easy to get into. They’re like, “You got money? We’ll take your money. Come on in,” and it’s almost impossible to get kicked out of. I managed to get kicked out in my first year. Never went back. But you know what? Today I have colleges like Yale and Columbia coming to us saying, “What are you guys doing? We see your results.” See, they realized that the standard model for education is broken, right? They are optimizing for a little certificate, for a diploma. You have all these people waiting tables with their degree. Guys, that’s pretty much worthless nowadays. Can I get a little more water? She has a degree. She’ll help us out. So guys, we optimize for results. That’s all we care about. Results. That’s it. Okay? Very, very important. So articles.

Last thing, this is my favorite. That’s going to be client testimonials, testimonials. We don’t do any editing, and this is my first run by the way. First run. So client testimonials. Video. Video client testimonials. If you’re doing things right for your clients, they’ll be happy to send them to you. That’s another thing we teach our guys how to do. We teach our guys how to collect video testimonials, screenshots, written reviews, and now we’re going to teach them how to get articles. So it’s pretty powerful stuff. And again, in our website you’re going to see, gosh, 40, 50 just in the last six months of clients sending us video testimonials from all the major companies saying, “Man, you guys are great. Thank you for everything you’ve done for my business.” These are my favorite ones. Okay? So this is one way, guys, to build that certainty, to make sure you can close the sale in the one appointment.

Now here’s my favorite way. If you master this second method I’m going to show you, you don’t need method number one. Number two is you. You got to become an expert. You have to study, get the knowledge. Uh-oh. Knowledge breeds confidence. Okay? And confidence is contagious. So what do I mean by this? Here’s one of the things that we noticed. When our agents are starting out, they’re nervous, right? They’re not sure they know the script very well. They’re not sure if you’re going to throw a question at them they might not be able to handle, and so they’re a little nervous. It’s their first time. They’re a little scared. That’s contagious.

Now, people on a conscious level say, “Man, that makes sense.” Yes, but you know what? That uncertainty is contagious. So they’re saying, “How do I know you’re for real? And of course we have to go to number one. Let me show you some social proof. One of the things that we noticed as our consultants get better and better, they get more confident, people stop asking for social proof because confidence is contagious. Anytime you meet with a prospective client, guys, you want to make sure that you are the smartest guy in the room. You’ve got to make sure that any question they throw at you, any objection, you know you can handle it in.

And that’s what breeds real confidence. And the only way to do that is to become a student, and today it’s easier than ever. We got webinars online, online courses like this, you can do seminars, workshops, reading. Warren Buffet, one of my favorite businessmen, his company did over 200 billion last year, reads eight hours a day. Eight hours a day. He says, “I’ve slowed down in my old age. I only read about 500 pages a day.” Now, I got to confess, I only read about three hours a day, so I’m studying about three hours a day. I don’t even do half of what Warren does. But if you become an expert, hone your craft, be the best at what you do, people will sense that, and things will flip around for you. You’ll go from you … We’ve all had this presentation, right? Where people are like, “Yes, we’ve heard of your company. Yes, we can afford it. Something in my gut is telling me, don’t do it.” Right. We’ve all had that. It’s frustrating. What could I have done differently?

Now, when you become an expert, that will flip over for you. You’ll have people you’ll be meeting with that’ll say, “I’ve never heard of you. I’ve never heard of your company. We never do anything without sleeping on it. This proposal is more than what we wanted to pay, but you know what, Mr. Advisor? Something in my gut is saying, ‘Yeah, let’s go ahead and do it.'” That’s when you know that you are arriving. Here’s the catch, though. Most people think, “Okay, now I can stop learning. I can stop growing.” Uh-uh (negative). This is when you double down, press your foot on the gas, and just keep taking it to another level.

So, guys, this is the absolute best way to build that certainty, and it’s going to get rid of the fear. Today I talk to people on the phone. Within half-an-hour, 45 minutes, they’re handing over multiple five-figure investments, not questioning anything about we do, and all it is is because of this right here. Everyday we’re studying. So guys, again, I have a link right here so you can check out our social proof page. I’ll give you some free videos that you can take advantage of. Alberto Real, signing off. We’ll see you on the next video. Got it?

Rainmaker Life or Average? Your choice.

What’s up guys, it’s Alberto and … what’s your name? Ryder? Mr. Ryder Riehl. And where are we at? What are we going to be watching today? Huh? A little tennis? Are we watching, is it, are they playing for a trophy or something? Yeah? They’re playing for a trophy today, right?

So we’re at the finals, Miami Open, and this is the first time that we’re experiencing a nice little luxury suite here. So we got our seats ready to go and we’re gonna go. We’re a little bit early, wanted to find it, we’re kinda excited. Are we excited? Yeah.

And so we’re gonna be walking around. Let’s go check it out buddy. Let’s go see what it looks like here. Alright. So here’s the inside of the suite. Not too shabby, full bar, we have a server that’s taking care of us. We got the seats outside, never been up here huh? The last couple days we’ve actually been on the first row which has been really, really cool. We found a service that does that for us. We got VIP entrance so we don’t have to be dropped off where everybody else is dropped off. There’s a mess of people over there. We’re able to get dropped off right in front of the stadium. I gotta tell you man, this is how you have to do life from the first row or from a luxury suite.

And if you’re in the insurance business, you have the possibility to do that. That’s okay. So let me go ahead and exit. We’re gonna go walk around. Let’s go buddy.

Servicer: I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to jump in front of you.

Oh no, no, you’re okay. Okay. Shall we walk around this way. Let’s see what’s this way. We’re at the suite level. What’s great about insurance is that it’s either the hardest, highest paying job or the easiest, lowest paying job. Right buddy? Where’s buddy? We got some empty suites over here. I know they’re all filled up, everybody’s getting ready, they’re getting stocked. Man, it’s so great we didn’t have to wait for anything. Where’s buddy, here’s buddy, what do you see, you see anything you like? Ew, here’s the Bacardi one. Bacardi has their own little suite right here. There’s a lot of Bacardi in there, a lot of Bacardi in there. Give me a little bit. J.P. Morgan, J.P. Morgan has a nice little suite.

Giving you a little behind the scenes look. We’ll see how long we can do this before we get kicked out of here. Alright. ING, I’m not sure what that is, ah a lot of computers here I wonder what goes on here. Look, there’s a VIP entrance down there. You can see how empty it is. There’s plenty of room at the top guys. The other entrance, the main entrance, is a fucking mess. I mean there’s people lined up, cars, traffic jams. There’s police officers directing traffic everywhere. It’s an absolute mess to get in. And look at the VIP entrance, nobody.

And so you have a choice, right? Keep hanging out and producing with the masses, being average, we talked about that in the last video. The average agent out there that’s barely squeaking by, they’re winging it on their own, doing the best they can. Or you can join a group of people, a group of agents that work together and support each other and have a predictable system. We’re working a lot smarter. We’re working a lot less. We’re producing a whole lot more. And then we get to hang out in places like this and take our kids. Where’s Ryder? Ryder let’s go buddy, give me a tour. And it’s awesome that we don’t have … yeah, let’s see what else they got over here. Ah, the media center, that makes sense, right?

Servicer: This is the Media Centre, need help?

No, no, we’re good thank you. So we got the media center there. So we did get to go where the media goes. I think this is the patron lounge for the sponsors. Actually no, it’s the media, they have their own little dining area.

Good morning. Everybody’s really nice too. Everybody’s really nice. Is this the end? Is this the end or what?

Servicer: You have to go back down now sir.

Yeah is that, there’s no more suites that way?

Servicer: No sir.

Okay. Cool.

Servicer: Thank you sir.

Uh oh. Got security. Alright so let’s go walk around the … Ryder, take me to the exit buddy.

Servicer: What suite are you?

207 I think it is.

Servicer: Okay, you cannot walk on this side so thank you.

Alright, thank you. Alright got kicked out already. They’re waving. Suite 207. We got the media there, the VIP entrance once again, nice, Porsches and Bentleys, there’s a Jaguar convertible Jaguar there. Let’s see where else. So we’re behind the scenes guys, Miami Open. Restricted access, this is the suite level, J.P. Morgan suite, we’re passing by some of the ones that we did a second ago.

Hey how you doing? Everybody’s real nice. See, ready to serve you. Same thing with the airlines. When you go in the back … Oh here’s the American Express, American Express has a suite here, right 204. The airlines, when you sit in the back they treat you like shit don’t they. It’s like you’re bothering them every time you needed anything and you’re all crumpled up, squeezed together like sardines. In the front, they’re a whole lot nicer to you, a whole lot nicer. There’s 207, there’s our suite, just passed it. Now we’re gonna be exiting. EFG, don’t know what that is. Oh, Emirates, right, there’s the Emirates suite, Emirates Airline. I haven’t flown them yet, definitely want to. Safra National Bank, MasterCard, MasterCard has a nice little suite here, LATAM Airlines, I think they’re a Peruvian airline, when we went to Peru a couple years ago.

And here’s the entrance to the suites. So now we’re gonna be exiting. We’re following Ryder around. Here’s the BMW suite. They got a nice little restaurant here, cool. Shall we go ahead and go buddy? Hi, how you doing?

Servicer: Good, how are you?

Good, thank you. Itau, that’s the main sponsor that’s sponsoring the event, so this is the Itau suite, probably the biggest one, it makes sense, biggest sponsor. Alright bud, let’s exit shall we? And there’s a few more over that way. Come on buddy, let’s go this way, let’s exit. Let’s go find you something. Alright guys, so just wanted to give you a little inside look. We’ll shoot another video here in a little bit when the match starts. There’s Mr. Ryder Riehl. Ready to go, we’ll see you on the next video.

Don’t Let Your Kids School Get In The Way Of Their Education

Hey guys. Alberto here. I want to talk about our kids school. This video I’m gonna call “Don’t let your kids school get in the way of their education. Part Deux.”

I did something about that a few months back, but I want to show you are school. We couldn’t find a school that really was up to our standards, right. And instead of just leaving them there and dropping them off, like a lot of parents to, and I gotta admit, it’s kind of the lazy thing to do, right. You hope for the best. They’re there with 30 or 40 other kids, but a lot of parents are just happy that they can drop them off for eight hours and don’t have to deal with them, unfortunately.

For us, it’s too important. This is home here. This is our bong, is that what it’s called, which is cool. This is the way we get school started. So let’s ahead and go inside and I’ll show you a couple things that we’ve done differently.

Now, they don’t know that I’m shooting this so we’ll see what we’ll find here.

Now, we’re always supporting our kids talents, as well as our partners. You can see, we got Miss Sarah there doing her yoga first thing in the morning. And we have grandma visiting in town right now, so it’s cool. Right now we have grandma and Skyler in art class. This wall looked a little plain so now they’re doing a nice little … they’re doing whale sharks. We went swimming with whale sharks a couple weeks ago, which was really cool. Grandma’s visiting. It’s a nice little bonding time.

And that’s one of the things that we noticed, it was very obviously. Our kids are very different. And so it really was … I mean, it was painful to watch them get taught in the same exact way. This is Skylar right here. Skylar is seven years old. Hi Sky.

Skyler: Hi.

She’s super artsy fartsy. Loves art.

Skyler: I’m not a fartsy.

Yeah. She’s not fartsy. Just artsy. Right?

Loves to be social. Loves to be hanging out with friends. Very courageous. She’s fearless. I mean, she was the first one to jump in with the whale sharks when we did that. We had a group of adults and everybody was excited about it and when it came down to it, when we see these 30 foot whale sharks going under the boat and they’re bigger than we are, everybody chickened out, and Skylar was the first one to jump in.

I was with her so I was the first one as well.

And so now I want to show you the classroom that we created for these guys, which is pretty cool. I mean, we’re here at our home. Ocean front. We were swimming a little bit ago. Now, we’re doing art class. No shooting is gonna be happening here. We know exactly where are kids are. Nice and safe. Studying what we feel is important. Not some underpaid undervalued, unfortunately, teacher that’s about to pull her hair out and then do who knows what.

So we designed a classroom in here. Let’s see. We got Ryder in class right now. Let’s see what we can see in here. Do a little … we’re gonna sneak in for just a little bit, and before I introduce you to Miss Marta, here’s what we did.

We found the best teacher at the school. The very best teacher, and we borrowed her. And we’ll be borrowing her for probably about the next 13 years. We paid her more. We paid what she deserved. Now, she’s dealing with two kids instead of 30. She has no homework to take home. They go 9:00-12:00, and she’s done. She loves her job. Loves what she does. And that transfers to the kids.

Most teachers are underpaid. They’re undervalued. I used to date one. I used to help her carry her books up the stairs. I mean, all this homework she took home and at the end of the day, her monthly, this was in Texas and apparently I think teachers are paid pretty well in Texas. She’d get $1,700 after taxes, after social security. $1,700. That’s ridiculous. I don’t want somebody making $1,700 putting those poverty mentality thoughts into my kids, so heres what we did.

We borrowed the best teacher. Now, she comes over and she just deals with our kids and she teaches them very differently.

Now, I’m gonna interrupt. I usually don’t do this. Hey guys. Sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to say hi. They weren’t planning on this happening. We got Ms. Marta right here. We got Ryder. And this is the incredible school. There’s Skylar’s desk. She’s having art. And Ryder here is a very … he’s analytical. He’s great with numbers, great with puzzles, great imagination.

Thank you for letting me interrupt. So, here we go.

So Ryder is, as I said, analytical, great with building stuff, legos. He’ll, I don’t know, maybe be an engineer. Maybe he’ll create video games. But he learns very differently than Skylar does. And it just completely, I mean, it was torturous to see them being taught exactly the same. It doesn’t make sense, right.

I mean, you go to a buffet and people are choosing the food that they eat and I mean, it was something as basic and as simple as eating. You choose and make your own plate and choose what’s important to you and what you love, but for some reason education. If you think your kids education is important, they shouldn’t be taught all exactly the same. They all learn very, very differently.

And so we’ve created this school. The kids named it The Incredible School. We focus on their strengths, on what they want. People love to work on their strengths, and now we have kids that love going to school.

My five year old already didn’t like going to school. Before, they’re focusing on all this bullshit stuff, memorizing stuff, that you’re never gonna use. Now, we have the latest technology. Each child has their own curriculum. So we assed them and what they loved to do, what they’re talented in, we are focusing on that, and they love school.

So guys, hopefully you’re not being lazy when it comes to your kids education. Design it, get involved, be part of it, and man. It’s an unfair advantage.

Their friends, some of their friends are in a school with 30-40 kids in their class. We got two kids in our class. That’s it. Undivided attention all day long. It’s an unfair advantage.

So guys, don’t let your kids school get in the way of their education. And this is Alberto Riehl. We’ll see you on the next video.

The Pareto Principle

Hey, guys. Alberto Riehl here and in this video, I’m going to be talking about the Pareto Principle. Now, the Pareto Principle is also known as the 80/20 rule. 80/20. It’s a very simple rule. It’s very powerful, and we can apply it into our business to really multiply what we’re doing. I’m going to show you that in just a couple minutes, here. So, what the Pareto Principle says is that 20% of our efforts end up producing 80% of our results. Most people are focusing on the 80%, and vice versa, that 80% of effort is only producing 20% of your results.

So, right now, no matter where you’re watching this, 20% of the people in your town or city are producing 80% of the income. Whatever country you’re in … If you’re in the US, 20%, the top 20% of the people create 80% of the income, right? So, we’re going to use that in our business. How does that work? Now, one of the things that I know is that if you’re out there producing 20%, the top 20% of agents, again, are doing 20% of the volume. If you flip that again, 80% of agents out there, most likely you if you’re listening to this, 80% of agents are dividing up 20% of the commissions. The crumbs, as we call it. So, we want to see how we can flip that and become in the top 20%.

One of the first things that we’re going to do is … This is something that I learned last year. We’re going to find out where our time and effort is going throughout the day. Because most of us are spending 20% of our time selling and 80% of the time prospecting. You get trained to like always be prospecting, see who’s around you, observation, bug the people around you. Bug friends and family. You’re doing that all the time. We talk to people every day, agents every day, that say they’re cold-calling. They’re like, “Well I just have to do 200 dials to get an appointment.” Dude, you’re spending 80% of your time prospecting. We’re not life insurance prospectors, here. We’re life insurance producers, and ultimately, we should be spending 100% of our time producing, in front of a decision maker, and nothing else.

Here’s how we do it. The first thing we need to do is figure out where is our time throughout the day being spent. I want you to put down 100 units. We each have 100 units of time. It’s also 100 units of energy, okay? But, let’s say your working eight hours a day, or maybe you’re a hustler, a grinder, and you’re spending 16 hours a day working. It doesn’t matter. Whatever you’re spending, that’s 100 units of time, and that’s all you have. Most agents, this is what they’re doing. They have 20 units doing admin stuff, right? The stuff we hate. Paperwork, applications, follow-up, underwriting, calling the underwriters, waiting on the information, setting up pyramids, all that stuff. We shouldn’t be doing that stuff. That’s a waste of time, but at the beginning of our careers, we have to do that, so it’s okay.

Now, 20. So, 20 of our units are going to admin. 60 of our units, if you’re a life insurance producer, are going to prospecting. 60% of our time, 60% of our units, 60% of our energy is going to finding people in front of me. Again, we talk to agents every day that are like, “Man, I need more to get in front of. I need more people to get in front of.” And they’re cold calling. They’re networking. One of our clients said that he hates networking, because he thinks it’s like cold calling in person. I was like, “Wow, I’m going to steal that. Can I use that?” He said, “Yeah,” so I’m using it. It’s true. Networking is like cold calling in person. It’s like throwing a Hail Mary out there. Maybe there’s somebody that is an ideal prospect. Not a very efficient way to do it.

There goes 80 of our units. Now, the last 20 are actually spent selling. So, only 20%, 20 of our units and time is going to selling. This is the only income-generating activity. That’s the only thing we should be doing. But instead, we’re doing paperwork. We’re trying to find people that we can present to. Let’s see how we can flip those numbers around. I want you to do this exercise for yourself. This is what the average agent looks like, but maybe yours is a little different, so sit down and see where your units of time are going. If you’re not sure, just document it. Journal it. On Monday, when you go to work, have a journal, and you can say, “Okay, yep. I just spent the first two hours on the phone, getting back emails, returning phone calls, all that. That’s under admin, most of it, right? Unless maybe some people want to meet with you, then part of it is going to prospecting, but none of that is going into sales. So, sit down and figure out what that is.

Now, here’s how we’re going to change that. Oh, we’ve got a little wind here, guys. Can’t dominate Mother Nature. Hopefully, she’ll cooperate with us. Right now, we’re at 20 units admin, 60 prospecting … There we go, and then 20 selling. What we want to do is we want to tackle the area where we can put in the least amount of effort, the least amount of time, and get the maximum amount of results, right? So, right now, the greatest opportunity is right here. Most of our units are going towards prospecting. How can we tackle that? Here’s a way that I’m going to do it. I’m going to share with you … There’s a link at the bottom of the video here in the description. It’s for an Entrepreneur Magazine. I’m sure you’re an entrepreneur. You read Entrepreneur Magazine, one of the most credible sources out there. Always have great ideas. They interviewed me recently on ways to get free traffic on Facebook, which, if you’re watching this, most agents say, “Man, I don’t want to have to figure out Facebook. I’ve tried it. I’ve hired people and I’ve lost my ass. I get nothing out of it.”

Well, we’re pretty good at it. We’re so good, Entrepreneur Magazine came to us to get some tips, and I gave them an exact step by step process to get free prospects and free appointments without spending any money out of pocket from Facebook. So, there’s a link at the bottom, here. Click on the link and follow that, and here’s what that’s going to do. That’s going to make you twice as effective. Just that one strategy is going to make you twice as effective when you’re prospecting. If you’re bothering friends and family, if you’re networking, if you’re cold calling, you’re doing all that stuff, it’s going to make you half, at least twice as effective. Excuse me. You’re going to spend half the amount of time to get the same results. You’re going to be twice as effective.

Here’s what’s going to happen. Your prospecting is going to be cut in half by using that strategy that I share with you on Entrepreneur Magazine on Facebook, that 60 units, you’re going to cut it in half instantly. You can start doing it on Monday. Do it on Monday. Take some massive action. Do it on Monday. Your 60 units is going to be cut in half. Now, your admin, you’re still going to be doing that. 20 units on admin. But now, instead of having 80 units used up here, and only have 20 units left for selling, all of a sudden, how many units do you have left for selling? Right, you’ve got 30 used for prospecting, that’s half of what you were doing just instantly by using that one strategy, 20 for admin, 50. Now you have another whole 50 units left that you can now start applying to selling.

Guys, you’ve got to understand how huge this is. You’re selling time and units just doubled. More than doubled. Two and a half times. So, all things being equal, meaning, you didn’t get any better at closing. You didn’t get any better at admin stuff. You didn’t add any more products to your portfolio, which is what a lot of agents do. They think they’re going to sell more. That doesn’t work. It just distracts you. You didn’t change anything. You’re not working any more time, very important. You’re just shifting your units from prospecting to selling. Now you can spend half your time selling instead of only 20%, and because of that, your sales will double automatically.

Here’s what’s great, is now we’re at 20, 30, 50, right? You’re going to do this exercise again. Once you master the prospecting strategy and you’re doubling your sales time, guess what? The money is going to start coming in. Now you can use your money as a tool. You can use your money to hire a professional prospector, we’ll call him. Maybe a marketing company. Maybe an expert that does that. Maybe you invest into a system like our guys have done that shows you how to do that with a click of a button. If you double your income, you think you can invest in that? Absolutely.

So, the next step is to get rid of those 30 units that you’re spending prospecting, and you do that with money, the extra money that’s coming in. Now that 30, you add to your sales. Now, you’re at the top. Oh, here comes the wind. 80% of your time is being spent selling. 80% of your energy is being spent selling. The only thing that’s left now is the 20 units that is still being used for admin. At that point, guys, trust me, your sales have quadrupled. If you don’t get any better at closing or anything else, you don’t add anything else, without adding any more time, your 20 units of selling have now quadrupled to 80. Guys, it’s simple math. I’m not that smart, but I know simple math. This is four times that, so your income and your sales have quadrupled.

Do you have enough income now to get an administrative support staff member? Maybe get an assistant, somebody that can help you out with emails, phone calls, pyramids? Absolutely. And after that, you’re getting rid of the 20 again, and now you’re at that place where the very few badasses get to be. Where you’re spending 100% of your time, 100% of your units, 100% of your energy, in front of the decision-maker.

That’s it. Back in the day when I was selling, I was only working two days a week. Now, on those two days, I was seeing about 9 clients a day, but that’s all I was doing. I had an admin person that took care of everything else, so all I did all day long … An appointment at 9 o’clock, 10 o’clock, 11 o’clock. That’s all I did. I condensed my time. 100% of it was selling, and the numbers went through the roof. It’s that simple.

The last tip that I’ll give you … I just heard Gary V talk about it, and it makes a very simple explanation. We’ve got to have patience in the long term, but speed in the short term. He says patience in the macro, speed in the micro. What does that mean? The macro is the big picture. Going from here to here to here to here, you’ve got to have patience. But if you do the everyday actions with speed, the micro, you can get there easy in six months. You might be saying, “Well, six months. That’s a long time.” Guys, there’s tons of agents watching this who have been in business 10 years, 15, 20 years, and are still stuck here. After 20 years, right? Very few, only the small 3% of the most successful actually get this right, and it’s very, very simple to do.

What is the every day, the micro, the speed? Right now, take action. Click on that link. Don’t waste any time. Read it. Read it again. Put it into action. Start doing what I say to do in that Entrepreneur article, and start doing it and do it consistently. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, all the way to Friday. Do it every day consistently, and within two weeks, you’ll be getting sales from that effort. Then you keep doing it, and it keeps compounding and compounding, and then you can go from here to here, from here to here, and then to here. Your income will go like this, and six months from now, guys, probably less, you’ll be doing 100% of your time spending it in front of a decision maker. That’s something that most agents can’t ever say, even the ones that have been in business for a long time.

So, guys, watch this again. Take some notes. Write down exactly how you do it. Click on the link. Read that Entrepreneur article. Follow it step by step, and comment and reach out to us when you’ve taken your income times four.

Alberto Riehl. Pareto Principle. 80/20 rule. We’ll see you on the next video.

Compressing Time Like The Agents That Kill It

Hey, guys. Alberto Riehl here, and in this video we’re going to be talking about compression of time. Now if you remember the last video, we were still having some audio problems. We talked about the evolution of a badass. I finally got my microphone to work, but you know what’s funny now is for the first time I’m using this, you get to hear yourself, right? And if you’re a musician or you’ve done stuff like this before, you know what I’m talking about. You can kind of hear yourself, and it’s kind of distracting. So we’ll see how this video goes.

But as far as the concept goes and the strategy, compression of time, it’s very powerful. I first learned about this in The 4-Hour Workweek. If you haven’t read that book, guys, I suggest that you get it. Tim Ferriss, great book. He was able to take a 40-hour workweek and compress it to four hours. It’s called The 4-Hour Workweek, and if you’re anything like me and you’re hearing this for the first time, you’re probably a little bit skeptical about it, but the reality is it’s 100 percent truth. It works. You just need to know a couple things about your business before you can put into play. So what I’m going to do is, I’m going to give you two examples. First example is how I use compression of time in our business today to create an unfair advantage over the other people that are doing similar type things, and I’m going to give you an exact example if you’re a life insurance agent, how you can take this principle and take your monthly income and turn it, compress it into a monthly income. Did I say monthly? Take your yearly income, compress it into a monthly income.

Okay, so let’s get started. The first thing you need to know is your numbers. You have to know your numbers before you can compress time. Now, for most of you in the insurance business, I just lost about 80 percent of you. It’s a sad thing. We talk to agents every day ,we ask simple questions like, what’s your cost of acquisition? What’s your average commission per sale? They can’t answer it. Guys that have been in business for a long time, and people will use an excuse, “Well, I just got started in business.” You should know your numbers. There’s an 85 percent chance you will be out of business in your first year. You need to know your numbers right away. “Well, I don’t really keep track of that metric.” Guys, it’s excuses. Know your numbers. Okay? So with knowing our numbers, I’m going to share with you how we use it in today’s business to create an unfair advantage.

Today most of our money goes to research and development. We’re always testing new things. We’re testing different angles, different mediums, and the business today is moving faster than ever before, right? And if you listen to any of the thought leaders, they’re saying that, speed to market. Right now speed to market is one of the most important things. So you got to be fast, especially if you do your business online. The Internet is changing faster than ever. If you use mediums like we do, like Facebook, experts say every six months Facebook changes. So what you’re doing right now, in six months, it won’t work. Now for most insurance agents, they’re running their business the exact same way they were running at 10 years ago, 20 years ago, right? If you’re a dinosaur, you’re still doing the same thing. Could you imagine in today’s world to be relevant on Facebook every six months it completely changes. YouTube, you’re probably watching this on YouTube. Same thing.

So let me show you how we use this. So we know that when we’re testing a new angle, right? We’re putting money into it. Again, most of our money goes into collecting data, trying out new angles, new images, new adds, new text, and all kinds of different things. And so we know that we need a hundred responses from qualified people to know whether the test works or that strategy works or it doesn’t work. That’s very important. You need a good enough sample size. A lot of times people will get one or two negative responses or like, “Oh, this doesn’t work.” You didn’t give yourself a chance. On the other side, we have people that start out, they get one or two positive responses and they’re like, “Oh, this works.” And then they double down on it, and they ended up losing their ass. That’s not enough of a sample size. So what you need is at least hundred. At least in our business, we need a hundred responses.

Now we know that each response, a qualified response in our business costs us $100. Now so what that means … You can see this okay? We need to spend, we need to invest in a test $10,000 to get a hundred responses to see if something works or not. Okay? $10,000. So here’s how we compress time. A couple months ago I was about to go to a convention that somebody was having with life insurance or insurance stuff in real estate, and I was about to go, and then one of my buddies said, “Alberto, you don’t want to go. The speakers there are doing 10 percent the business you are. What are you going to learn from somebody that’s doing 10 percent of the business you are?” And then he told me what they’re doing as far as their testing goes. So here’s how everybody tests this. Now, the average person out there spends $100 a day when they’re testing. That means they need to run their test for 100 days.

After 100 days they’d spend their $10,000 and have their hundred responses, right? But guys, a hundred days? That’s over three months. Again, Facebook every six months changes. So you’re taking over three months to figure out if something works or not? And then two months later you got to start all over ’cause Facebook changes. That doesn’t work. So here’s what we do to compress time. This $10,000, I don’t want to take three months or 100 days to do it. I like to do it in one week. And actually I like to do it in one work week. Keep it nice and neat, Monday through Friday. That’s five days. So what I do is I spend $2,000 a day. $2,000 a day, times five days. There’s my same $10,000, right? So while they’re taking a hundred days to spend their 10,000 and get their hundred responses, I’m spending 2000 a day taking five days to do it, to spend my 10,000 and getting my hundred responses.

And that’s how I like to do it. I start on Monday. By Friday my test is done, and then I take the weekend. I love this stuff. I live data, I love the numbers, and so I can’t wait to put my family to bed, and then I start working on the numbers. Friday night, Saturday night I’m working on the numbers while my family’s sleeping, figuring out, okay, what didn’t work, and I make sure I get a lesson out of it. What can I learn from that? It didn’t work. Okay. Throw that out after I learned, get something out of it. What did work? Okay. We’re going to double down on that. We’re going to try some more variations, see if we can make it even more powerful, make it even better.

And then on Monday, by Monday I’m relaunching another test. So on Monday, while the other guys are on day eight, right? Of their test, day eight, that means they’re eight percent done. Eight out of a hundred days have been done. I’m already starting on my second test. I’m running laps around the competition. Does that make sense? I’m just running laps and laps. By Friday I’ve done another test. They’re barely on day nine or 10 or whatever the hell that is. Does that make sense? So it gives us an unfair advantage. We get our data, we get our responses 10 times faster than the competition. Okay?

Now let me show you how you can do that in your business. You’re saying, “Okay, well, that’s great in your business.” You can apply it in marketing with your business as well. But let’s do it. Let’s say you’re an insurance guy. We’re going to use … You earn 83,333 a year, okay? That’s about average, right? 83,333 a year, and we want to turn that into a monthly income. The cool thing is is that, if you’re earning this monthly, guess what? 83,000 times 12? Do the math. It’s a million dollars. That means you’re making a million dollars a year. So again, we got to know our numbers. First thing we need to know is know what our average commission is. Now, I know that in our entry-level program, we have several levels, but our entry level, which is our lowest commission, our guys are earning $4,000 per commission. They do this in one call, one hour, actually less than an hour. About 45 minutes, okay? 48 minutes. $4,000.

So we got to divide 83,000, which is what we want to do per month, and that gives us 21 sales. So we have to get 21 sales. 21 times 4,000 is 84,000, close enough. And we have to do that, not in a year, but in a month. 21, right? This is very simple math, guys. Check this out. So now, to get our 21 sales, we know we must go on 42 appointments. Now, we’re being super conservative here. We’re saying 50 percent closing. Again, you got to know your numbers. This is what we share with people. The reality is our numbers are much better than that. Our average guy right now out of the gate, which is at the worst they’ll ever be, doing their first presentation, is closing over 60 percent. We have guys … We have a handful of guys in the last 30 days, close over a 100 percent. We had one guy had 27 appointments, got 31 sales. That’s over a hundred percent closing. But let’s be very conservative. 42 appointments to get our 21 sales, right? Well, how do we get 42 appointments? We know that to get 42 appointments, we need 84 responses. These are qualified prospects, life insurance prospects knowing exactly what we sell and they’re ready to buy life insurance now.

We need 84 of those. Okay? All this needs to happen within a 30-day period right? Now, ow do we get those 84 responses? Again, we know our numbers very well, and we know that in order to get 84 qualified responses, our message needs to reach 8,400 people. 8,400 people. Wow. Well, that’s how amazing these 84 responses are. These aren’t leads. These aren’t crappy things that have been stomped on a hundred times like maybe you’re working with right now. These are truly 84 people that are ready to do business now. We have to go through 8,400. 8,400 we have to reach. So this is like digging for gold, right? This is a needle in the haystack. You can see how good this 84 people. Out of 8,400, only 84 people are good enough that they’re going to be chasing us, and they’re ready to buy now.

Now, here’s where most guys, if you’re a dinosaur, most life insurance guys are, doing business the way it was done 10, 20 years ago. It’s impossible for you to reach 8,400 people, right? Friends and family. That’s how you guys are doing it? I don’t know about you, I don’t have 8,400 family members and friends that I can bug, right? Maybe you’re doing referrals from clients. How long before you get 8,400 referrals? Years, right? What about referrals from circle of influence? Maybe your CPA or tax attorney, whatever it is, how many? Years before they give you 8,400, right? What about networking groups? Years to do this. Seminars? Years, man, years. And we’ve got to get it done within 30 days.

There’s where the power of our program comes in. We can reach 8,400 people in a day if we wanted to. In a day. Actually I know how to reach 8,400 people in one hour. One hour. I can reach 100 people. Couple of clicks of a button, and I reach 8,400 people. Okay? Very simple. Now, maybe you’re a dinosaur. You’re like, “Alberto, I can’t do a couple clicks of a button. I can’t do … That’s too complicated. I don’t even know how to email. I can’t do couple of clicks of a button and reach 8,400 people.” We’ve thought about you. We have a dinosaur hotline in our program. Here’s how it works. You pick up your phone. You’re probably doing the old rotary thing, right? You dial. It’s the dinosaur hotline. 8,400, bam, hang up the phone. You’re done. Can you do that?

Dial, rotary phone. 8,400. Bam. We have a dinosaur hotline set up for you. That’s how easy it is. And you have your 8,400 respondents. So that’s how easy it is. Now, with those 8,400, again, we work backwards, we have 42 appointments. Those 42 appointments, remember, we got to do them within a one-month time to create the 83,000 for the month. Now, we know that there’s 4.3 weeks in a month. 4.3. So that’s less than 10 … You do the math. 42 divided by 4.3? It’s less than 10. Well, let’s just say 10. You need to do 10 appointments in a week. 10 appointments in a week. Easy. Can you do 10 appointments a week? Most guys will do five appointments … Excuse me. To appointments in five days, running out of space here, getting a little messy. Two appointments, five days, right? You do a two appointments on Monday, two on Tuesday, two a Wednesday. At the end of the week, you’ve done it.

Now we have one of our members, Matthew, he decided to compress time again. He’s like, “I don’t want to work five days a week. I’m going to flip those numbers.” And that’s what he did. Instead of seeing two people five times a week, what Matthew does is, he only wants to work two days. He just flipped the numbers, and he does five appointments a day. Five appointments a day, two times a week. That’s 10 appointments, times four. There’s your 42 appointments. Bam. $83,000 a month. A million dollars a year. It’s that simple.

So guys, compression of time, again, very, very powerful concept. You can use this even for other sales. You can use it for other things in your business, but pause the movie, rewind it, figure out what your numbers are, and then work backwards. Figure out what you want to make. Maybe you want to turn your yearly income into a monthly income. It’s this simple. It’s that simple. And then you have to go out and get it done. I hope this helps. Alberto Riehl, Riehl’s Rants, compression of time. We’ll see you on the next video.

Predictable Premium Live 2.0

So we had our first ever Predictable Premium Live, what three, four months ago in May, end of May. We had it at the MGM Grant Sky Loft. You want to check them out, just go to MGM Grant’s house in Las Vegas. This is a view of the dining room and the sky lofts are at the very top, a lot of people don’t even know they exist. This place, this suite was two stories, it was over 3000 square feet. See if we can get some good pictures here. It had an infinity tub, which I’d never seen before. That’s a steam room which made me wanna get one. This is one of three living rooms. Do you guys remember? Three living rooms, it was over 3000 square feet. Pretty nice place, man. Pool table, yeah we had a pool table, we all played pool together. There’s another one of the living rooms, and I’m sharing this with you guys because we’re doing something, we’re planning something behind the scenes now. That is gonna blow this away.

Our second annual Predictable Premium Live, one of the coolest things about this, is this suite came with a white glove butler. We had a butler serving all our members and you couldn’t buy a ticket; you had to be a member in good standing, it sold out. I shouldn’t say sold out because it was free, as a member, it was free to go. We took care of everything, right. The suites, the meals, we got a private suite at Top Golf, the chairman’s suite which is where all the movie stars go to get privacy, we had that to ourselves as well. Had butlers as I shared, serving us, which was pretty cool. And we ran out of spots in what? 36 hours. We ran out of all the spots and people were begging open more, so we did. And then we got rid of those spots in 24 hours. People begged, open some more. We did. And so I’m sharing this with you cos I’m putting something behind the scenes now. We’re gonna take it to another level. This is gonna be where our next Predictable Premium Live is gonna be.

Now it only holds 40 spots and there’s like, what do they call them? Marine laws, maritime laws? So 40 spots, that’s all we can do. Let me see. It’s gonna be absolutely awesome, all the food will be included, all the drink, all the premium drinks will be included. And you cannot buy a ticket for it, only our members. There’s the yacht, I’ll be hanging out right here, turquoise water in the Caribbean. And as a member, this is what you’ll look like afterwards. You’ll be I think very happy. So I’m sharing this with you guys to get ready. Get your passports ready. Get your floaties ready, get your flip flops ready guys. 40 spots. Watch out for some new announcements. Again, you can’t buy the tickets, I give it as a gift to my deserving Predictable Premium members. Man, we’re planning it, it’s gonna be absolutely awesome. And I can’t wait to see all you guys here.

The Mansion, Vegas’s Best kept secret!

Hey guys, Alberto Riehl in Las Vegas headed to Mansion dining room, one of the very well kept secrets here. I have Misty escorting me, my own personal butler here. This is one of the big secrets in Las Vegas. I wanted to share a little bit. They’re going to make me take off the video camera right now as we’re heading in there, but I’ll see if we can sneak in a little video when we get in there without so many people around me. It’s funny, I just got escorted by a butler here at the Mansion, one of the biggest secrets in Vegas. Most people don’t even know it exists. Outside in the casino, everybody’s jumping all over each other and stepping on each other’s toes. Here, look at how quiet and how amazing it is.

Most people don’t even know this exists. I’m the only one here. This is how things should be, right? Look at this dishware. I’ve going to shut this off before the butler comes back and he throws me out. I’ll see if I can get a couple more snippets before I go, Alberto.

All right, this place is amazing. I mean, I just got brought my cappuccino. Look at the foam on this thing. I went to put the sugar on and it just stayed on top. Does that ever happen to you guys? I mean, look at this cappuccino. It’s amazing, got the sugar right behind. This is the way we should be living every single day. Look at that. That’s funny. I had no idea that was going to happen. My sugar’s on and they’re just staying on top. So anyway, before the butler comes we’ll have to shut it off real quick. I’m not the kind of guy that usually takes pictures of food and stuff like that. I guess I’ve never been impressed until now. I guess most people are impressed pretty easily, right? Because they’re taking pictures of their food every day. Look, this fruit. I just got the fruit. I’m having breakfast here. See if we can see it. Can you see it?

There we go. Look at this thing, absolutely beautiful. There’s an orchid on top and the croissants are just like air. They’re like heavenly air. It’s amazing. I’ve never had anything like it. I’m going to have to order another cappuccino. We’ve got the jams and the butter, which is at a perfect temperature. You know how you get the butter usually at the restaurant it’s too hard and then you tear your bread apart? Man, it’s like perfect. Anyway, got to sneak back.

Hey guys, so my main course just got here. Let’s do this really quick. French toast, it looks pretty beautiful. Look at what the syrup container looks like. Pretty fancy, it makes me feel almost a little uncomfortable. Anyway, I’ve got to shut it off before they come back. I was warned already.

Real quick, I already got in trouble, but the private dining room here. I want to show you the wine, and pretend I’m not filming. There’s somebody there. I need to shut this off. Guys. I’m done with my meal. I’m walking out. Let’s see if I could get some of this stuff. It’s just an amazing place, an amazing place. Look at this stuff. Just reminds us how prosperous the world really is, right? Abundance, I’ll tell you one thing that I found a little strange is that a couple of other clients that I saw back here are Japanese. Where are all the high rolling Americans? Then we’re at this very last spot and then here’s the gate. The gate that takes us to where the rest of the world is.

I’m going to leave this little secret place. Look at that, amazing. I’ve got to tell you, this trip has been a bunch of firsts in my life. That’s something that we should be doing all the time, right? Doing things for the very first time. It was the first thing I ever traveled in the back of a Bentley. It was the first time I had ever had a butler escort me around a resort, taking me to the restaurants. The first time I came down here, we were about to catch our flights, the end of our Predictable Premium Live weekend, they really helped you use your time, which is our most valuable asset, and make it as valuable as it should be. The butler packed up all my stuff. That probably saved me 20 minutes, something like that. The first time that a butler packs up all my stuff. Also, the first time that I had a full steam room in the suite.

The first time I stayed in a suite that was over 3000 square feet, at the top and the resort. 3000 square feet private elevator. First time that I had to take a private elevator. I get my own steam room there. Did that a couple times. The first time that happens. Infinity tub, I didn’t even know Infinity tubs existed. That was pretty cool. So many different firsts, at the same time, we had our very best revenue day as well. When was the last time you did something for the first time? Something that we should be trying every day, right? Doing things we’ve never done before makes us uncomfortable, definitely. That’s the only way to grow. That’s how we find out if we like things are not. Hopefully you’re doing a bunch of things for the very first time. This is Alberto guys from Las Vegas. I can’t wait to get back home, but man, it’s been a life changing perception, altering trip.

That’s one thing I promised all the attendees is after you come here, your life will never be the same because you will have a shift in perception. You’ll see everything differently. Possibilities, things that are available to you. You’ll realize that you’ve been playing way too small. We’ve been getting a bunch of posts in our secret group already, saying this was a mind blowing event, life changing event. People thanking us. Here we are with elevators. You have a bunch of people waiting for the regular elevators and again, we’re going to go up to our private suite one last time behind the closed doors and we have our own elevator. I’ll see you upstairs.

I hit the button as I was getting in the elevator so it stopped recording, but it’s one of the things that man, I just love having my own privacy. We have this private elevator, don’t have to share with anybody, going all the way to the top, Skylofts one last time. Yeah, we should definitely be trying some firsts all the time, right? It makes it pretty exciting. Makes life worth living. So guys, Alberto Riehl from the top of Skylofts, and we’ll see you on the next video.

Alberto Riehl Reviews How The Wealthiest People In The World Make Decisions

They end a conversation very quickly and I always keep an eye on that, right? Because Napoleon Hill, first guy to publish it. Successful people make quick decisions very confidently. Never look back, never second guess themselves.

Unsuccessful people, or everyone else, “Should I, shouldn’t I? Should I, shouldn’t I? Okay, I’m gonna do it.” And even after they do it they start, “Maybe I shouldn’t have done it. Maybe I shouldn’t do it.” Right? And so, I always … that impresses me. When I talk to somebody, there might be things I forget but there’s certain things like how quickly you made the decision, I remember that. I know exactly.

I put a lot of weight on that because I know that when Napoleon Hill was being interviewed by Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the world. Andrew Carnegie … do you guys know the story? Andrew Carnegie asked him, “I have an assignment for you. It’s going to take 20 years.” Napoleon Hill is broke law student. Broke law student. He’s like, “I’m going to make a little money by interviewing some people.” Somehow, he landed the richest man in the world, Andrew Carnegie; and Andrew Carnegie said, “You know what?” After a couple of hours, interview’s just getting started, “Come to my house.” And Napoleon Hill’s like, “Oh, thank God I have money for a hotel.”

So, he’s with the richest man in the world, spends three days. At the end of the three days, Andrew Carnegie’s like, “This is the guy.”

“I’m going to give you an assignment. It’s going to take 20 years and I’m not going to pay you.” And he had a stopwatch under his desk. Napoleon Hill didn’t know that. Napoleon Hill’s like 22 years old. Andrew Carnegie, 55 years old, richest man in the world and if you YouTube Napoleon Hill/Andrew Carnegie story, it’ll come up and you’ll have the real Napoleon Hill talking about it. He’s a little guy, kind of a high voice, high pitched voice. Anybody ever heard him?

I have.

Yeah, right?

Tapes, yeah.

And he’ll talk about it. It’s hilarious. He’s like, “Here I am, 22 years old. I’m broke and I’m being asked to work for the next 20 years for no pay, by the richest man in the world.” How screwed up is that? Think about that. Imagine if you were in that position. You’re broke and the richest man in the world is saying, “Hey, come do this assignment, this project for 20 years. I’m not going to pay you. What I’m going to do is I’m going to give you letters of introduction.” That’s how they did stuff back then.

“I’m going to introduce you.” Here’s one in Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers, the Wrigleys, Firestone, Eastman who started Kodak. The players. The guys that changed the world; and he timed him. Gave him 60 seconds. Napoleon Hill didn’t know he was being timed and in 30 seconds, Napoleon Hill says, “Not only will I take that assignment, you can count on me to finish it.”

Dude, he committed the next 20 years of his life in 30 seconds. The next 20 years of his life and we have guys that think we’re crazy because we’re asking them to commit a few thousand dollars in an hour. Dude, an hour. Right?

Elon Musk, somebody was talking about Elon Musk. He’s famous, if you read his book, for making billion dollar decisions in 60 seconds. It’s one of the things he’s famous for. Billion dollar decisions in 60 seconds.

So, hopefully that changes perception a little bit. Maybe if you thought that asking somebody to stroke a $12,000 check for their life insurance policy in one phone call was a lot. Realize that we’re still playing very small when we do that. We have guys asking for a billion dollars in 60 seconds.

Napoleon Hill, almost a hundred years ago, his next 20 years of his life in 30 seconds. Guys, we’re like amateurs. That’s nothing. A whole hour for a few grand? If we’re talking to the right person, it happens like that.

Are You Living Life To The Fullest?


And the line across it but the middle. The line is zero. We’re going to five, 10. -5, -10. Very simple. So when I first did this, again, it’s all about awareness, right? We can be aware or you can be at the right place at the wrong time. Or you could be at the right place at the right time, but if you’re not aware of it, it doesn’t really matter.

I shared this I think one time. So these are going to be life events. We’re going to rate them +10, -10. The worst life events are -10. The best are +10. So I know at two years old I was kind of quick on a bicycle. I started riding without training wheels at two years old and that’s probably about a seven. At nine, my dad died. That’s definitely a -10. Can’t get any worse than that.

And do that throughout your life. Graduating high school, probably thought it was a +8 at the time. Meeting Sarah, +10. I believe our connection happened when we met, not wedding later, not anything. +10 meeting the love of my life, my partner.

First child, another +10. And so do that all the way up to now. Think about tough things you’ve had in your life; events, experiences, maybe it’s colleges. Maybe it’s kids graduating college. Maybe it’s a … there’s a lot of stuff here. Let’s take just a couple minutes. Several times lost my butt, right? That’s more -10s around here. Got kicked out of school, actually probably plus. And do that all the way up until now.

Take couple minutes. Then we’re going to connect the dots.

Now if I spent a little bit more time on this really thinking about some of the failed ventures in the past or businesses, maybe the inch where some of us were talking about insurance companies that maybe didn’t treat us right. You know, didn’t do what they said were going to do. I shared with you my Joe Borino story.

Here’s what this exercise does for most people; we learn that early on, you know, riding a bike and all that, graduation and all that, our life is going like this. And that’s what the experts say is really living. It’s like your heart beat. Like bah, bah. What happens is we get older. Anybody’s line get flatter? Yeah. Yeah.

For most people, when we think about our events, everything, even the plus and minuses, they start getting, you know, smaller. For some of us, yeah, they just flat line.

And so we really want to be living life no matter what our age is. Age is just … we use it as an excuse, right? We hear that all the time. You guys hear it all the time, “Oh, I’m too young I don’t need life insurance.” “Oh, I’m too old now.” I mean it’s amazing. It doesn’t matter, guys, the timing is never right. Right? I learned. Starting off too young, going to get married, need money for the wedding. Want to buy our first house, we need money for the house. We’re going to have our first kid, need money for the first kid. Having a second kid, we need money for that. Now we need a little bit bigger house. We need money for that.

Oh shit. College is right around the corner. Now we need college money. Don’t have that yet. Someday, someday. Have the second one in college now, oh my gosh, we’re behind on our retirement. Got to save money, don’t have money now.

My grandfather promised my grandmother we’d go traveling when he retired. My grandfather had an aneurism at 62 years old as he was driving right in front of her house. He never got to take my grandma on all those promised trips.

Most people, that’s what they do. That’s why doing business the way that it’s going to be done in the future, right now it’s a little bit of a luxury right now. But tomorrow and tomorrow’s very close, it’s going to be an absolute necessity. That’s the way it’s going. That’s the way it’s going. We have more and more people talking to us saying, “I can’t get my client back in the office. They want me to email him stuff. They want me to send him stuff.” Do you guys ever get that? Right?

So take a look at your charts and spend some more time on it tonight. Get more detailed and you should be up and down. That means you’re really living. Getting bruised up, getting scratched up and having some really big wins. But for most of us, unfortunately that’s not the case.